Chapter 2- The story of Taylor

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Justin put in a random movie and we all sat down. Sarah and Alfredo sat on the love seat and I on the couch. I stretched my long legs out and covered up with the brown blanket that is always there. Justin came over and lifted my legs up and sat down. I glared at him and just put my legs on him. The movie started and The Possession popped up on the screen. I heard Sarah squeal. She hates this movie. Justin and Alfredo chuckled and i just sat there. "Don't get scared." Justin winked. I rolled my eyes then heard Sarah laugh. I never get scared. My house could get possessed and I would not even care.

It was at the end and I hadn't had budged from the position I was in, other than laughing at Sarah, Alfredo and Justin for being scared. Just was nuzzling his head into my legs. The movie finally ended and Sarah got up and put in Mean Girls. "Why are we watching this?" Justin asked.

"We have to watch a comedy or something so Sarah can get the chills away." I told him, I went to go smirk at Sarah but she was already making out with Alfredo. "Okay then. Well I am going to go get some sleep."

"No, I am not staying down here with them two making out. I need somebody to hang out with."

"Sucks bro. well. Night." I walked up to my room shifted in my bed, finally getting comfortable I heard a knock on my door. I sat up to see Justin. I glared at him. "You should at least show me where the guest room is at first. "The only other room we have is my-" I stopped talking and squinted my eyes closed. "Jessica. You okay?"

"It was my sisters room." I whispered. 

"Oh. Did she move?"

"She died." I gulped. "She committed." I couldn't finish the sentence. It was to hard. Just came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Shh. Its okay."

"No! No its not! She committed suicide because of me! I treated her like crap. I never paid attention to her or what she did. I never asked her how her day was. I never asked her if she wanted to hang out or go to the mall. I was the worst big sister ever. I didn't even realize she wasn't eating. I didn't realize she was cutting. Getting depressed. I used to call her gay, stupid. I fucked up. I always fuck up." I whispered the last part. I looked at him and realized what I just admitted to him. "I need to go." I through on my sweatshirt and my TOMS and walked down stairs. "Jessica! Jessica wait." He grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Everybody fucks up. Just. Breathe. Its okay. Everything will be okay. Lets go back inside." We walked back inside to see Sarah and Alfredo standing up by the couch. "Jessica. Are you okay?" Sarah asked.

"I just need to be alone." I walked up to My sister Taylor's room. I bit my lip to realize everything was still there from when we found out. He note is sitting on her desk next to her Laptop, which had a video of her reading the note aloud. The pills are knocked over on the floor and her sheets and covers are rumpled up from dad asking her to come back. Her perfumes were sitting on her window sill. I looked at one and it was my perfeume I lost. Well I thought I lost. There was a note stuck to the back.

Dear Jessica,

I wonder how long it will take you to find this. I know I don't look as beautiful as you, but I wanted to smell as beautiful as you when I was leaving. I want you to know its not your fault. It was the people at school who were hurting me. You were just being a older sister. I am with mom now. Please remember how beautiful you are. You always looked like mom. I didn't even look like any of the family. Please tell dad that I love him and his special note is in my closet, behind my old dress that I wore to the daddy daughter dance if you find this first. I love you Jessipoo. Stay Gorgeous.



I started crying remembering our nicknames for each other. I walked over to her closet and opened it slowly.  I looked fro her dress, not being able to find it. I kept searching then heard then heard the door open. "Jessica." I heard my dad say. "Where is Jessica's dress from your guys' dance?" I asked still searching for it. "Jessica."

"WHERE IS IT?!" I yelled at him.

"I have it." 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT MY NOTE!" I screamed between sobs.

"You were so depressed. I-"

"I WOULD HAVE FELT BETTER KNOWING IT WASN'T MY FAULT FOR HER DEATH!" I screamed. I went run past him. He grabbed me and wrapped his armed around. "Shh. Jessica its okay." He held me while I cried.I sobbed hard into his chest. "Why were you in here?" He asked looking deep into my eyes.

"Justin, asked where the spare roo was, and-"

"You don't have to finish." He held me there for a while. "Do you want to read my note?" He asked. I nodded my head no and walked to Taylor's bed. I laid down and smelt her sheets. They smelt like her. Lilies. She always smelt like lilies. "I always used to come in here when I knew she was sleeping and gave her a kiss on the head. That's how I found her. I came to give her a kiss. I seen the pills and her laptop open. That's when I knew something wasn't right. I went to give her a kiss and she was cold. Ice cold. I tried to find a pulse, but there wasn't one." I confessed to my dad.

"I always used to see the way she looked at you. When you would call her something rude, then she would make a remark back, then you would walk away, she would always say somethings nice, or just watch you walk away. You could tell she wanted to be you. As you were the most amazing person ever. I never understood. I mean you guys looked so much alike."

"I just wish I could take it all back. Everything I said. Everything I did to her."

"We all do. Remember her school when they found out. Did you hear all of the sobs. Remember the boys that stormed out of the gym when they found out."

"I knew who they were. They would push her around. Act as if she was nothing. I always asked her about them but she wouldn't answer me."

"And those girls who just sat there and acted as if they killed her them selves."

"The preps. She would make fun of them and made them up there own names. Pig face and the copycats in her letter. That's them."

"Then there was Andrea."

"She fainted. She couldn't take in the fact that one of her best friend died."

"Have you talked to her?"

"No. I think I might go up to her school tomorrow though. It would be nice to see her." He nodded in agreement.

"I think you should get some rest." I nodded and opened the door. There stood Justin, Pattie, Alfredo, and Sarah. "I'm sorry." Pattie said walking over to my dad and wrapped her arms around him. Justin looked at me. Sarah grabbed my hand squeezed it. I bit my lip and just walked to my room. They all let me be, when in reality I just need them. I covered up in my bed sheets and slowly drifted to sleep.

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