Chapter 2

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Coming out of the office. A big hand grabbed Maude's small one. She did not have to look up to know who that hand belonged to.

"These, why the hell are you holding my hand? I'm not 5."

"You act like you are-"

Maude rolled her eyes and tugged at her hand.

"-Plus I don't want you to use this as a chance to run off. But if you don't want to hold my hand I'll carry you instead."

Maude quickly stopped tugging at her hand, quickening up her steps so that her brother couldn't pick her up. She heard chuckles from behind whilst Newt placed his hand on her back. The three Scamanders walked in a line and Leta couldn't stop the smile that crept on her face as she saw the sibling play unfold in front of her.

After 5 minutes of walking, Maude started to tire out. In her defense it had been a rough day for her.

"Bloody this place is huge."

This seemed to boost Theseus' ego.

"This is what you get when you work hard."

Maude was not going to let Theseus head get any bigger than it already was, so she responded accordingly.

"Yeah, and have no life."

Newt and Leta let out a chuckle, whilst Theseus just looked down at his sister. Since where did she get this wit? He shook his head and slightly tapped her head as a reprimand.

"Ow". Maude let out dramatically, but was quickly replaced by a giggle, which made the older members shake their head, with a smile.

After an eternity (Maude's words) they arrived at the grande salle. Thinking back, Maude should have taken up her brother's offer on being carried. They all sat down, with Maude in between her brothers. She sighed, this was going to be a long meeting.

Fighting off sleep, Maude tried to keep herself occupied but there was not a lot she was allowed to do squished in-between her brothers and it wasn't like the grande salle was interesting. Looking at was available around her, the young girl reached for her eldest brother's hand, the one that had held hers before. This was an old habit of hers, playing with Theseus' hands. Said brother was startled by the movement, he had been focused on the meeting. He was about to tug back his hand, feeling unprofessional, but when looking down at his little sister, he left it. If the elders had a problem with it, they could come to him.

Playing with Theseus' hand however, had not gone according to plan and helped her stay awake, but had lulled her to sleep. Newt looked down as he felt something hit his arm. He smiled when her realised it was Maude's head. She had fell asleep, her head on Newt's arm whilst still holding Theseus' hand. Newt nudged Theseus, who glared at him from disturbing him during the meeting. His eyes quickly softened when they landed on Maude. He stroked his hand on the side of her face, she looked so innocent, she was innocent. He sighed, he was definitely going to hear from the elders about this. But she was more important.

It was decided, they were going to Paris. As they were leaving the grande salle, Theseus picked Maude up, who was still sleeping. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his torso whilst he placed her head in the crook of his neck, keeping his hand on the back of her head. She let out a content hum. Her older brother chuckled internally. Maud would never admit it, but she was such a baby.

As they walked back to Theseus' office, Maud woke up. Content in her brother's arms, she played with the back of his hair. Theseus responded by running his fingers through her hair. Newt shook his head and smiled at the picture unfolding in front of him. Maud really had them wrapped around her finger. As they arrived, Maude jumped out of These's arms, much to his dismay. Maude suddenly got cold but shook it off. After all she wasn't a baby. Still, she shuffled closer to Newt to steal some of his heat. She looked up at her brothers, waiting to be filled in on what she had missed. The two chuckled. I mean she had missed the meeting because she had fell asleep, it was cute.

"We're going to Paris."

Maude raised her eyebrows in question. Before she could ask why, Newt answered.

"Grindelwald's operation has its heart in Paris. And Credence is in Paris."

Maude nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll start packing my bags."

Theseus spoke up "And we'll send you to Hogwarts."

Newt chimed in "Agreed."

Once again the two brothers had made the choice for Maude, but she was having none of it.

"Don't be daft. I'm going to Paris."

Theseus rose from his chair.

"Absolutely not. It's way too dangerous!"

"So? Since when have I been afraid of a little danger? I graduated as one of the top students in Professor X's class of defense magic."


"Boys I'll be fine. And I promise I'll stick with one of you at all times."

Newt turned to Theseus as he whispered "I guess she could hide in my case if needed."

Theseus stayed quiet as he pondered. After a while he spoke up.

"Fine, but you have to stick with one of us. And listen to us, okay?"

Maude rolled her eyes.

"Yes brother. It's not like I'm a troublemaker or something."

"Yes you are." chimed two male voices simultaneously.

"I've always wanted to go to Paris."

The youngest ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now