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Dream POV:
I rode into town, taking Spirit to my hut before running to George's house, quickly knocking on the door to find the mayor drunk and he rolled his eyes, letting me in the house. I ran upstairs like a bat outta hell and quickly unlocked the door.

What I saw next, shattered me. George was asleep on the bed, he lost some of his natural hum flush and color and it seemed the only thing keeping him alive at this point was the small almost empty pitcher of water and what seemed to be the last bit of his food. (which was bread)

I ran over to the bed, I was going to regret waking him up but I needed to know if he was alive and okay. I shook his shoulder desperately.

"George! Georgie, please wake up!"

George let out a soft groan, his eyes flicking open. My heart warmed as I saw his dull doe brown eyes light up with recognition.

"Dream!" He cried.

George flung his arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder. Digging his nails into my shoulder blades, crying loudly. I wrapped my arms around his skinny body and lifted him out of the bed.

The small boy instantly wrapped his legs around my waist, and even though he was small and (probably) weak at the moment he still gave a strong squeeze on my waist. Damn, I really shouldn't have left him here... I'm so sorry George...

I quickly carried him out of the house and into the police station, Phil flinched when I burst through the door, holding the fragile brunette in my hands.

"Dream!" Sapnap said happily, but once he saw George, his smile faded.

"Get some food and some water! Quickly!" I barked, gently laying George on the floor.

I turned my gaze back to George, he slowly stopped crying and I wiped his tears with the pad of my thumb, keeping my hand pressed to his cheek. He slowly lifted one hand and placed it on mine, the other lifting up to the edge of my mask. I closed my eyes as he pulled it off, and he smiled softly.

"I see you," he whispered weakly.

"Don't talk love, save your energy," I whispered.

"Would it be too much energy to ask for a kiss?" He asked softly, his hand drifting to the nape of my neck, starting to lightly tug at the small hairs.

I smiled softly. "You don't need to even ask."

I carefully pressed my lips against his, kissing him slowly, passionately, with so much love and tenderness for the brunette under me. Though I was feeling an overflow of emotions I still made sure to be careful when handling the smaller male, knowing he was weak from the lack of food and water.

I pulled away, George was panting softly and I brushed a hand through his hair, combing his tangled curled locks. He closed his eyes allowing me to brush through his hair. Due to him being locked in his room, he wasn't a belt I clean himself, leading his hair to be greasy and his smell wasn't the best but I could care less, he was safe, and that's what mattered.

"I got food!" Sapnap yelled running in, scaring George.

"Shh!" I snapped.

"Sorry," Sapnap whispered.

I grabbed the plate from him and sat George up on my lap, grabbed the plate, and started feeding George, George knew that he was too weak so he allowed me to feed him without protest. Sapnap soon found a glass of water and was able to get it to George. I thanked him and brought the cup up to the smaller male's lips, allowing him to drink.

He took a few sips before tapping my fingers, this reminded me of when we first met, he was so weak, but now he's weaker than before. He panted softly before greedily pulling the cup back to his lips and chugging the water.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down! You haven't drank water in a while slow down!" I exclaimed, pulling the cup away.

He whined, trying to get it back before I grabbed the plate and fork before he could reach the cup.

"Let's eat some more first, yeah?" I said.

He huffed and nodded. I started feeding him again as Karl walked in, hugging Sapnap before walking over to me and George.

"How's he holding up?" Karl asked softly.

"It'll take a while for him to get better," I said calmly. "and we need to keep him warm, he can't get sick, otherwise, I don't think he'll be able to pull through."

Karl nodded and walked over to Sapnap, talking to the shorter male in a hushed whisper.

"You think I'm gonna die?" George asked after he swallowed a bit of food.

"No," I stated firmly. "I said if you get sick then," I couldn't even finish the sentence.


George nodded softly, understanding what I meant. I helped George eat the rest of his food and hugged him close, almost forgetting about Sapnap Karl and Phil, who were still in the room.

"Guys, I have some important news from Tall Trees," I said suddenly, standing up.

"What is it?" Phil asked.

"I met a woman in Tall Trees-"

"Cheating on me already?" George teased.

I scoffed. "Yes, I'm cheating on you," I teased.

"Oh! The horror!" George said dramatically.

" I'm sorry George, I just love her more!" I exclaimed in a fake voice, placing my hand over my heart.

"How could you do this to me!" George wailed, fake crying.

"Okay okay enough," I giggled, kissing his head softly. "I would never cheat on a beauty like you."

"Get over with the lovey-dovey drama and spit it out nimrod!" Sapnap yelled.

"Right," I said. "As I was saying, there was a woman in Tall Trees who knew George."

"What!? How is that possible, I don't know anyone from Tall Trees, hell I don't know half the town of Manburg!" George exclaimed.

"Wait," Phil said, turning to me. "What was the lass's name?"

"Anne," I said.

There was a spark of recognition in the sheriff's eyes, he blinked a few times and the spark was gone, shaking his head.

"Phil?" George asked softly. "You know her don't you."

Phil shook his head, but I pressed on. "Phil."

He looked up at me with an emotion I could not describe, even if I tried, but again he shook his head and muttered under his breath.

"If the mayor finds out about this, I would be looking more deformed than corn after a stampede after he's done with me," he growled.

"Phil," I said loudly, banging my hand on the desk. "Who is she?"

Phil sighed again and looked over at George. "George."

The brunette looked up at him with a growing suspicion in his mischievous doe eyes. The room fell silent as he paused. The silence was so tense that not even the sharpest hunting knife could cut through it.

"Anne is your sister, daughter of Laura and Stephen Davidson."

Wc: 1201

Song: it's all a burning memory

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