Unexpected meeting

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I looked in the mirror after getting dressed for work to make sure everything looked nice. I wore my usual black wide legged pants with a red blouse and light brown booties. I grabbed my black bag and a jacket and ran out the door as I took a bit to long getting ready. I locked the door behind me and quickly walked down the street as the diner was only a few blocks away. I was to busy going through my purse to make sure I put my keys in a safe spot that I accidentally crashed into someone. I looked around and saw flyers flying everywhere. I grabbed as many as could and looked down at a boy who was doing the same "I am so so sorry." I said as I crouched down to help him pick up the rest of the flyers that were strewn on the ground.

"Are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?" I said as we both got up and I handed the flyers I had grabbed. He kept his gaze down and his shoulders hunched as he shook his head slightly. "Oh thank God, " I said as I gave him as small smile and placed a hand on my chest before I continued, "Actually, could I have one?" I reached my hand out. He grabbed a flyer and handed it to me. I gave him another smile before saying, "Thank you, and sorry again." I grabbed the flyer and continued my walk towards work. I wanted to read what the flyer said but I didn't want to crash into somebody else. So instead I just shoved the it into my purse.

I walked into the diner saying out loud, "Sorry I'm late, crashed into someone on the way here."

"Hey, (Y/N)." Andrew the chef called out from the kitchen. "You're fine, today wasn't to busy. Just don't make it a habit." Benjamin, my boss said as he was wiping down the counter. I walked back into the kitchen, "Hey (Y/N)!" Cora said as I walked past. She helped Andrew in the kitchen. "Hey!"

I placed my bag in the staff room along with my jacket. I walked back out towards the front of the diner as I put on the black apron I had to wear. It was quite a slow day, barely anyone came in and when someone did they just ordered a drink or a sandwich and they were on their way. I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I accidentally knocked over earlier. I hope he went home, it's so cold out and he didn't have a jacket or gloves on, I thought to myself.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that Cora had been calling my name until she threw a rag at me. "(Y/N)!" I jumped slightly when the rag hit me. "What?" I answered smiling as I bent over to grab the rag that was now on the floor. "I asked if you were coming to club with us tonight?" She asked as I threw the now dirty rag into a bucket of other dirty rags. "Oh I don't know." I said not really sure if I was up for it.

"Come on, it'll be fun! Plus you said that once you got a gig around here you would invite me, but so far I've been the one inviting you." She said jokingly as she made a sandwich for Andrew who was now on his way out. "I want to invite you but I have to actually write a decent song to get a gig." I answered while making Andrew's coffee. He didn't even have to tell me how he liked it. He always got it the same way everyday. 3 shots of cream, 2 packets of sugar and a bit of caramel mixed in.

"Come on, you're songs are good." Cora said as she handed me a wrapped sandwich. "You know you could give us a private show. We head over to your place with some drinks. Play a few songs for us." Andrew chimes in as he places down some cash and grabs his coffee and sandwich. "Yeah and we could help you pick some songs for a gig." Cora says as she wipes the stove. "Maybe, but I do live in an apartment so we can't be to loud or spend the whole night playing music. I'll let you guys know." I say as response as Andrew opens the door and says, "You better." before waving and walking out.

"So what were you thinking about that made you go deaf?" Cora asked as she went back to the kitchen. I turned away to wipe down the coffee machine as I blushed and said, "Oh nothing."

"Oooh someone's got a crush on someone!!" She says giggling. "I do not!" I shouted and through the rag I had used to clean the machine at her. "Oooh, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" she sung before making smooching sounds. "Don't make come back there!" I said as a customer came in. I turned to the register and said with a large smile on my face, "Hi, welcome in! What can I get you?"

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