Bonnie's First Day!

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Bonnie walked into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it was his first day as manager! He was hired by the CEO to be the first Animatronic owner of a Freddy's location, it was mainly done for good press, but Bonnie didn't care, he was just happy he was finally getting recognized for his hard work, when he was a performer, he was the only one of his crew to really give it his all! Freddy was rude and mean to everyone and Chica was more of the same, but at least she knew how to make Pizza. But Bonnie on the other hand had always put his all into making the customs feel welcome and look happy and excited on stage, because he genuinely was! He loved his job, he loved Freddy's, and he LOVED performing, maybe kids weren't who he wished he could reach, but he didn't complain because it made him happy. One thing he couldn't stand about his job was the lack of respect he got from his human managers. He was a robot, sure, but he has way more soul than any of them! After a short closure of his location from some... unwanted attention... The CEO had asked him if he wanted to take over managing the restaurant, all the hiring and firing, writing up schedules for the week, buying supplies and attractions, and of course making sure no one got killed! Which he would probably take more seriously then any manager in the history of Freddy's.

Bonnie walked inside the building's double doors, smiling, excited to make a difference for the company! When the location got shut down temporarily, most of the employees quit, which is why he has to hire more people but that'll come later! That being said, two humans still worked there. A short woman with similarly short blonde hair with a rainbow streak in it greeted him at the door with a large smile, which sort of scared him. "Hey! Bonnie's here! Everyone, look! The new manager's here!" Bonnie looked around and chuckled awkwardly.
"Uh hey there, do you work here? I was told some people were still here from the " She blushed and rubbed her neck.
"Oh yeah hehe, I'm the server, Vanessa, but most people here call me Vanny!" He reached his hand out to shake hers.
"Hello Vanny! That's a cool nickname, why do they call you that?"
"Oh, because the security guard here is also named Vanessa... and I like bunny's hehe" she looked away, blushing even more red than before.
"Oh, that makes sense... uh so who else works here?" He moved on, not really being able to tell if she was hitting on him or not.
"Aside from us, Chica works the kitchen, and Toy Bonnie and Lefty are our only performers left..." Bonnie looked at her weird.
"Uh, Toy Bonnie?"
"Mhm! I'm sure you can tell he was modeled after you, the others were either moved to an open location or scraped entirely, so we had to import an old school character from another company" Bonnie's ear perked up at the mention of someone being "scraped", he made sure no one got abandoned before he was hired, so that's already one lie from corporate.
"Who was scrap? Were they..."
"Oh no! She was put in the back room! If you wanna spend the money you can get him fixed but it might not be worth it" He sighed and looked towards the stage, spotting two Animatronics on the stage, a short plastic bunny who clearly was modeled after himself, which was pretty weird to see in person. The new Bonnie had long eyelashes and make up, which he had never been associated with, I guess they redesigned him to be a girl? The other was a black bear who, unlike all the other Freddy's characters, held his microphone in his left hand. Bonnie wondered if Lefty was a nickname then. He also had a damaged left eye, hopefully that could be fixed soon enough.
"I'm gonna go meet everyone else, I'll catch up with you later" Vanny looks at the ground, clearly upset and nods her head.
"Oh uh, yes sir!"

Bonnie walked over to the stage, it was in a weird location, seemingly tucked into a corner which made it kind of hard to see from the entrance. Moving the stage would be costly, but a sign would probably be too little, maybe when he's able to hire more performers he can build a new stage and leave that one as a pirates cove kind of area. Getting out of business mode, Bonnie approached the two strangely different mascots well as they were ending their practice session. The bunny, who didn't really look like him at all, played guitar really well! This definitely wasn't a new song, he had heard it a million times before, but somehow this new bunny was bring a lot of unique flair to this dumb kids song. The bear was the singer, not a Freddy Fazbear, which was weird because this is a Freddy's location, but just a regular, slightly broken black bear. His voice was... well it was perfect, Bonnie had never heard someone sing like this! It was almost as if he was just playing a recording! He didn't notice, but the sound made him feel... Bonnie snapped out of it and went back to watching. Soon after they finished up, Bonnie clapped for them which made the guitarist blush, which he was able to see even though they painted on blush they already had.
"That was really good! I'm glad I don't have to train you two!" He laughed and waited for a reply but both were quiet. "Uh, are you ok?"
"Oh! S-sorry I just... I'm kind of a huge fan hehe..." Toy Bonnie had a surprisingly deep voice, was she... uh he a boy? I guess it was wrong of him to just assume makeup meant female... Bonnie only now realized he was visibly surprised. "I know, I'm sorry I just... all the training tapes I watched really made me appreciate... uh... you I guess... hehe..." Toy Bonnie looked down to try and hide his embarrassment, Bonnie let out a sigh of relief, happy that he didn't realize why he was really surprised.
"Wow, I mean thank you! I didn't know I had fans who weren't kids haha!"
"Hehe... yeah well, You really inspired me..." He smiles at the ground and doesn't say anything else.
"So, what about you? Your singing is really incredible!" The black bear didn't reply but mimicked the motion of laughing. "What did I say?" Toy Bonnie stepped in to explain.
"Oh! Lefty here doesn't have a voice box, that was a pre-recorded song" Bonnie blushes, but that doesn't explain the perfect singing voice.
"Oh, sorry... but uh hey! You did a good job... lip syncing" he rubbed the back of his head and silently cringed. "What a good first impression" Bonnie thought.
"Don't worry about it, I did the same thing" Toy Bonnie was clearly lying, but he still appreciated the attempt. Lefty gave him a thumbs up.
"Ah... well hopefully I can get you fixed up soon enough!" Lefty smiled at the idea. "Well, it was nice meeting you both, I'll talk to you more later, I have to go meet a few more people!" Toy Bonnie looked a little disappointed, like he was expecting to talk a bit longer.
"Oh, uh yeah ok, see you then" Bonnie felt bad, he had probably been waiting all day to talk to him, and he had to share his time with Lefty?
"Hmm, uh actually, Toy Bonnie. Can you go wait in my office? I'd actually like to discuss some scheduling stuff with you" Bonnie smiled, he wasn't sure why but this made him feel like a good person. Toy Bonnie lit up.
"Oh yeah! Of course! I-I mean... sure thing boss!" Bonnie laughed and went to walk away, as he left he heard Toy Bonnie giggling behind him.

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