Safe and Sound

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My head is foggy.

Memories edge their way just out of reach and this all feels vaguely familiar somehow.

My eyes are heavy, but I manage to look around.

I'm in an agency clinic.

Over the speakers my boss's voice rings out, "Rise and shine agent. Don't worry, I've still got the briefcase. It's not going anywhere."

The briefcase?


I remember the wine cellar.

I had managed to sneak in and neutralize the butler before guests started to arrive.

He got a lucky hit on me, but it was simple enough.

We only found out about their plan from the fabricator's workshop last night, so I was doing a lot of improvising.

I was working out where they hid the briefcase when he walked in.

The moment I saw him all I could see was red.

He tricked me.

I let myself be vulnerable and he took advantage of that to get me captured by Zor.

I bet he knew I was the agent going on that jet and got on just to distract me.

But he-

No, he tried to sell me out.

He lied to me!

Or, I thought he did...

Until he kissed me.

When he walked into that cellar, he didn't call for back up, he just barred the door and stalked over to me.

I thought he was going to try and get some sick revenge.

I was preparing to beat that bastard into the stone floor, but then he kissed me.


And I nearly let him fuck me right there on that table.


Knowing the butler was in the crate put me off just enough to pull me back to my senses and I could get my job done.

Even so, I had to get out quick.

Not just because the guards were attacking us, or to get the briefcase back to headquarters, but because I might have let him try again.

That seemed to be how it went with us, he pursues and I run away.

I laugh to myself at the sad timing of it all.

My boss comes back over the speakers, "Something funny, agent?"

I shake my head, but the agency logo catches my eye.

Right in the center of the spiral, there's a hole cut out, and something glitters on the other side.

I reach out my hand and nudge it telepathically.

The whole thing falls off, revealing broken dry wall and exposed insulation.

And a camera lense.

My boss's voice comes back onto the comms with a much more slippery tone as he says, "Figured it out, have you? About time too..."

Suddenly, the whole wall in front of me disconnects and moves away.

Behind it is a warehouse full of cameras and lights and boxes...

And him.

I'm not even surprised when the visage of my boss melts away to reveal John J. Juniper.

I stand ready to run, or fight, whichever comes first.

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