Chapter 1

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Jacks pov

I woke up to my clock sounding like train. I groaned but got out of bed anyway. I changed into my uniform, made sure my breathing mask was on, and checked my eye.

I walked out walked out onto the deck. I looked out the window, the London bridge looked so cool from above.

I saw Leo walk down the hall looking for me. I told him to come here.
" Hey, the captain said she needs you."
"Alright, thanks."

I walked to the brig and saw that the captain was giving orders to some of the pilots.

"Hey cap'n, what do you need."
"You do know that you can just call me Caitlyn, right?"

"Yeah, I know, I just like to call you that."

"Anyway, we need you to bust one of our operatives out of jail."
"Where's his gear at?"
"He couldn't take it, he was undercover, and even if he could, they would've taken it by now."

I agreed to take the job and got ready. Little did I know that this job would change my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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