Chapter 19 - Someday

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I woke up in silence and I stayed still as it hung over me as if it were protecting me. My body felt like deadweight against Mitch's soft mattress. I moved my arm to see if he was still in bed, but I should have known better. He hated beds. I took a guess as to where he was and made myself sit up to look. He wasn't on the floor and I sighed quietly in disappointment.

Only a few days had passed since Betty had attacked us and things had been quiet. All five of us were on edge but now that the tension was breaking everyone was living a little more freely. Avi and Kevin had started to prepare the house so the 'kids' could move in. I didn't understand this 'school' or how it worked, but apparently all of it happened in the west wing. The house was large, but nowhere large enough to fit an entire group of people into.

I didn't ask questions, though. I was too wrapped up in my own issues to really care about any of that.

I stood up and stretched before walking over to the bathroom. It never failed to amaze me how big it was, and the large bear claw tub in the middle of the room was the icing on the cake. Mitch was a millionaire — maybe even billionaire for all I knew.

I washed off my face and brushed my teeth sleepily, my eyelids closing and begging me to go back to bed. I was exhausted from trying to control my thoughts, especially when I was around Mitch. Things weren't normal with us anymore and it was mainly my fault. I was too busy trying to control my new found powers. I had to control my ego most importantly, and that was the scariest part.

If I willed it, I could take on any power I wanted to just by pure observation. Anything I wanted, and it could be mine without any effort.

"Good morning." Mitch's voice made me shake away my thoughts and I turned as he came over to hug me. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and held him close to me. "We have a lot to do...everyone's arriving next Thursday. Are you willing to help?"

I nodded quickly but didn't say anything.

He gave me a wondering look, one he had been giving me the past few days and just nodded back before turning to leave the bathroom.

What is going on with him? Should I ask him? Maybe I'll wait until we're done our work...

Taking on his power was a challenge, because I couldn't help but read what he was thinking all the time. I now understood why he had such a hard time staying out of my head. Innermost thoughts were tempting.

Once he was a certain distance, the thoughts disappeared. It took miles until he could stop reading my mind when I was away from him and him it was only feet. I was a lot weaker than him but it was still something I could use to my advantage.

I hopped into the shower and got dressed before heading downstairs to meet with the others. Everyone was working hard and there was a homemade breakfast laid out on the table thanks to Avi and Kirstie. My appetite was absent, though, so I just took a muffin and started walking through the mansion to find work to do.

I walked by the room that Kevin, Avi, and Kirstie were working on. They were playing music and dancing around while Avi did all the work. He glared at them angrily but couldn't help but smile when he saw what they were doing. I smiled but walked on past to where Mitch was. I entered the room, my breath immediately taken away at the size of it.

"There's a library here? Really?"

Mitch looked up at me from where he was looking at a book. He wore a long black cardigan that resembled a cloak. He'd kill me for the comparison, but he looked like a vampire. In the best way possible of course. "Yeah, you didn't know that?" He asked me.

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