The Three Little Pigs | The Case Of Court

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It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the first little pig called Michael was sitting on the sofa in their small, cozy living room with his twin sister Ally. They were waiting for their older brother Steve to come home from work. He was a bricklayer, so his job finished later than the twins. Michael worked at a local grocery store, where Ally worked as a lumberjack.

"I hear him coming!" Ally said with a burst of excitement as Steve walked in their bright yellow front door. "Hi guys!" Steve yelled happily. "Yo, Steve!" Michael said coolly. "Hey um, I found a letter on the front porch. It's addressed to all of us, so let's open it." Steve replied with enthusiasm.

They all sat down on the sofa, huddled together. They were all examining the letter. It was a smooth texture, and was coloured a navy blue. The stamp on the letter had a picture of the eiffel tower on it, and the writing on the front was cursive. "Wow, it sure looks fancy!" Said Ally. All of the little pigs were excited, they never got mail. "Open in 3... 2... 1..." Steve ripped open the letter, the paper looked old and felt delicate. It read:

"Dear Ally, Michael and Steve Pigle.

A murder crime has been alleged to have happened in your very house 2 weeks ago. A murder of a teenaged wolf of the name Wallus Wolverine. His family reported him missing a day before he was reported to have been dead by your neighbours, who you had offered to share his flesh for dinner.

As you may or may not already know, this is a serious matter. You are now under a warrant, such as you are expected to attend court. Please prepare a statement to be ready by the 3rd of June, when an officer will escort you to the courthouse and we will start your trial. If you have any questions just head to the police station. See you in a few days!

Yours in service, Officer Bert Lambington."

"Guys, this is serious." Said Steve in a serious tone. "We only ate him as an act of self defence! If we didn't he would've eaten us alive, at least we made sure he was dead first." Replied Michael, he wasn't holding together as well as his siblings. "It's going to be okay guys. All we have to do is write our court statements and be truthful, we can get through this. I promise you." Steve told the twins reassuringly. "And if we lose the case?" Asked Ally, she looked like she was about to cry. "If we lose the case I'll take the blame, it wasn't you guys who boiled him up. It was my idea, and I'll make that very clear in my statement." Steve told them.

The next 3 days were very hard for the three little pigs, they were working non-stop on their statements for court. The pigs all looked super tired. They had messy hair, crinkled clothes and bags under their eyes. But they didn't let that stop them. But finally, it was time. An officer came to collect them from their home. He was a Rhino, a bulk looking guy. He wore a blue police uniform and he was carrying a pink donut with sprinkles. He was very reassuring to the pigs. He was especially reassuring to the twins, they still weren't coping very well.

The pigs entered the courtroom. It was huge, and there was an oak wood sort of colour scheme. The room carried every echo, and it sounded so cool. As the pigs went to their seats they saw the wolf's family, they looked super upset. Ally couldn't help feeling sorry for them. They sat on their seats, they felt cold and weren't very comfortable. They were made out of wood and had no cushioning whatsoever. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, while everyone was getting ready.

Finally, the judge got everybody quiet. "Michael Pigle, your side of the story please." She said with a cold tone. Michael stood up, his legs were shaking. "I had recently built my house, it was made out of straw. Which I regret by the way. I was playing inside when someone knocked on my door, it was the wolf. He was much taller than me, and very intimidating. He demanded I let him in or he'd blow down my house, of course I didn't listen. So he blew down my house, all that was left was a huge pile of yellow straw. So I left immediately and ran to my sister Ally's house." Replied Michael steadily. The judge turned to Ally and asked "Is this true Ally?" "Y-yes, it is your honour." Replied Ally. She was super scared, her eyes were filled with fear. "What happened after that Miss Ally Pigle?" Asked the judge. Ally stood up, Steve gave her a reassuring look. Ally then spoke with confidence as she said "I let Michael into my house, I didn't want him to get murdered by the wolf. The wolf chased him to my front door and demanded we let him in, once again. We wouldn't let him in, so he blew down my house too." "May I ask Miss Pigle, what was your house made of?" Asked the judge with interest. "St-sti-sticks, your honour." Replied Ally, embarrassed. Her face went super red.

Ally was so close to crying, she had tears in her eyes. That's when the judge turned to Steve. "Is all of that that true, Mr Steve Pigle?" "Yes Ma'am, all true." Replied Steve. "Now, tell me the rest of the story." Said the judge. Steve stood up, knowing that the rest was up to him. So he spoke. "After the wolf blew down Ally's house, the twins came running to my house. I had only just finished building the house, as it was made out of bricks it took me rather long to finish. Once again the wolf demanded we let him in but we didn't. So he tried to blow down the house. But this time, he failed. He got super mad, and told us he would come down through the chimney. At first I thought he was tricking us, so we would think he went on the roof and we would leave. But then I heard him on the roof. I decided to start a fire so he wouldn't jump down the chimney. I needed to boil some water anyway, I was going to be cooking a stew. So I grabbed a pot, filled it with water and put it on top of the fire. The wolf surprised me, he came down the chimney and landed in the boiling water! He was officially cooking in our pot, so we decided to eat him. We were so poor that it was the only good meat we would be able to eat." The judge looked shocked, like she had been wrong that whole time. She had the wrong impression of the three pigs.

"Although that is rather disturbing, the pigs were just acting out of self defence Miss Wolverine." The judge stated. "Yes, but eating a citizen?" Replied the wolf. "Your son would have eaten them for no reason anyway, but he just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time." Said the judge, she seemed like she was getting fed up with her job. "I wasn't aware of the full story, and I'm terribly sorry about what he did to the pigs. I just think that this is still a murder and you should at least fine them or something." Replied Miss Wolverine. "I declare the three little pigs innocent and this case is closed!" Called out the Judge impatiently. The three little pigs yelled with laughter, they couldn't believe it! They had won a court case, they could return to their lives without any punishment.

A few weeks later the pigs were back to their normal, happy lives. They had apologised to the Wolverine family, and were grateful to have some people they could hang out with. They had a little funeral for the deceased wolf, to pay respects to him even though he might not have been a very nice person. Also because they didn't want to be rude to the wolves by not accepting the invite. The pigs lived on, and they had a very nice life after that.

The End.

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