Fighting for Love [girlxgirl] - Chapter 11 mature version

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Chapter 11:

*Sydney's POV*

            Most of the time, I can tell when people are hiding something from me and I know for a fact that Amy is hiding something. I don't know what happened after she walked into that building but she didn't seem like the same person when she came back out. She was a lot more quiet and serious, her face expressionless as we continued to drive back to what I assume is her home. So many questions were flying through my head that I think my brain might just explode due to the curiosity. And although I want to just start firing off questions to Amy my gut was telling me it wasn't the right place or time.

            Maybe later when the atmosphere doesn't seem as intense.

            I saw Amy sneak a glance at me and my worried expression must have struck something in her. She took one hand off the steering wheel to grab my hand, clutching it tightly.

            "What's wrong baby?" Amy asks, breaking the seemingly never ending silence between us.

            "I...I'm just scared," I tell her honestly. I look up and get caught in Amy's eyes staring back at me, mesmerizing me. Normally I would yell at her for not keeping her eyes on the road but since we were in the middle of nowhere with no other cars in sight, I really didn't mind.

             "Why?" she whispers back to me.

            I gulp. "I...I're acting different. And you're neck..." my eyes wander towards the base of her neck. Blood is starting to flow down her neck again, staining her otherwise pure white blouse. I did not buy the fact that she just somehow tripped and just 'fell'. How would you fall and scratch your neck? Come on I mean, sure it'd make sense if the injury was on her knee or elbow but her neck? She would have had to be falling head first to get an injury like that. But even then, scratching one's neck like that was highly unlikeable.

            Her eyes follow my gaze and she frowns lightly. "I'll be fine," she squeezes my hand reassuringly and it surprisingly does relax me for just a bit. "I'm not going to die. Promise,"

            "You better not die," I tell her seriously.

            Her stare turns to the road in front of us but I can see her cock an eyebrow. "And what if I do die?"

            "Don't say that!" I reach out to slap her shoulder. I can feel tears start to spring to my eyes at the thought of this girl right beside me dying. "I don't want you to die!"

            We must have arrived at our destination because she turns off the engine before turning to me. Her eyes are filled with sadness as she leans over and kisses the corner of my eyes, licking my tears away.

            "I don't plan on dying anytime soon so don't worry about me." she coos lovingly in my ear. "The only reason I would want to die is if you took your life,"

            I couldn't help but feel the same. "But I'm not going anywhere anytime soon,"

            She sends me a small smile that has my heart pounding in my chest. "Then I won't be going anywhere either," she leans in to gently brush her lips against mine and I shiver at the touch. Before I'm able to cross the distance and slam my lips to her, she pulls away and gets out of the car. I groan. And she thought I was the tease.

            "Come on," I turn around to see her opening my door, hand outstretched. I gratefully take it, the feel of her hand sends sparks throughout my body. God how this girl makes me feel this way with just one touch… I don't even know.

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