Fighting for Love [girlxgirl] - mature version pt. 2

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Well here it is!! The mature version of Sydney's and Amy's love scene on the airplane. Not much I can say but enjoy ;)

*Sydney’s POV*

            Someone is kissing my flat, bare stomach and I have a faint idea who it is. Through my dazed sleepiness, I remember that I’m on a bed that’s on a private jet plane. I also remember that I had locked the door to the bedroom so no one could get in. So now that’s worrying me just a bit. But the person’s soft, velvet lips felt so good on my hot skin and I don’t want them to stop.

            The kisses were so light and teasing that I got hot instantly, wanting more. The kisses illicit a soft moan from me. I could feel my mystery kisser jerk on the hem of my shirt so I lift up my arms to help her pull it off. Her lips tease the waist line of my jean shorts and I arch my back for more of her touch. Damn this person’s good at this teasing stuff. I felt her smirk against my skin as she continued to pull my shorts off, leaving me only in my bra and underwear. My mystery person crawls back up so her face was level with my neck. I look down in time to catch a tuft of blonde hair burying into my neck. She trails my bare shoulder with even more teasing kisses, lightly running her tongue down my collarbone. She makes her way to my soft spot, gently biting it and sucking it. Her hips are grinding slow and sensually against mine, teasing me.

            My fingers lightly run up the girl’s defined back, pulling her shirt up in the process. The second her shirt lifts over her head, I entwine my hands into her hair and pull her head up so I can kiss her on the lips. My heart picks up speed, if that was possible, when I see Amy’s defined figure.

            “Glad you’re awake,” she smiles at me, eyes twinkling in the soft light surrounding us. “Now I can finally get what you failed to give me just now,” she presses her lips onto mine, kissing me lightly and lovingly.

            “How did you get in?” I ask her in a whisper.

            “Pilot had an extra key in the cockpit,” she whispers to me, her voice husky with lust. She smirks and before I can complain she crashes her lips to mine and I started kissing her back passionately. Amy licks my bottom lip and I open for her. Her tongue roams my mouth and massages my tongue making me moan.

            She pulls away and pulls the straps of my bra off my shoulder. I gasp when her mouth descends over my nipple and sucks on it, rolling the bead around in her teeth. She continued to suck on both my nipples until I was arching my back at every flick of her tongue.

            “Amy,” her name slipped out of my mouth. My legs suddenly wrap around her waist and pull her down in an attempt to get her closer to me, but it wasn’t enough.

            The second she pulled away from my breasts, I took the opportunity to flip her over so I was straddling her instead.

            The shock on her expression turned smug. “We’re stronger than we look aren’t we?”

            I just shrug my shoulder, feeling the blush rushing to my cheeks. “I work out,”

            Her eyes roam my upper body and I blush harder at the intensity of her gaze. “Hell yeah you do,”

            Her soft, cool fingers run circles over my six pack abs and I groan at the touch. How the hell did I have the willpower to play with her, tease her, just a few moments ago? It seems impossible now just to think about it. Every touch, every caress has me wanting more and more. But damn it she’s not giving it to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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