Chapter 1- Rhode Island

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Hello, readers. I just want to be clear that this book is adventure as well as romance, but for the first few chapters it is really heavy on the adventure. So, if you came here for a good romance story-you might be confused for a few chapters wondering where the guy is.

-Lindsay xx


I stared forward to the front of the lecture hall, seeing dozens of other students all taking the same test; all uniform, all struggling. I let out a large breath I didn't know I was holding, and glanced down at my European history final.

It was blank.

Fifteen minutes into the final and I couldn't fill out a single answer.


I peered forward again to see my professor scanning the mass of students with a severe gaze. When his eyes landed on me, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

He must of found it odd that I, number three in my sophomore class at Brown University was struggling with a test that I should've been able to pass with flying colors. I should have been able to. I'd been studying my ass off for the past two weeks for this final, yet my mind was blatantly lost.

This wasn't the first time I've blanked out like this. When all the pressure settles on your shoulders and you just want to get out. For the past two years here I've felt this way. I study, work, repeat, every single day without even knowing what I want to do with my life. I never have a break.

It was my last final of my sophomore year. As soon as I finished, summer would begin.

Summer. Dear lord.

Summer for me is only more work in a slightly more exotic location. My family always traveled to a wealthy spot in Florida, where I would be put into a course of my choosing.

But at least I'd get weekends off in the summer.

I needed a break. And not a break that only lasts a few days. A break.

I glanced down at my exam and noticed my hands were shaking viciously. Professor Durke was sitting back in his chair reading over some papers on his desk. All the other students were still vigorously writing down their answers, and I--well I was still utterly blanking.

I became lightheaded and my breaths were coming out in short gasps. In the deathly quiet room, it was audible and Professor Durke stared straight at me with concern etched all over his face.

Then he became two. He started walking towards me when everything went black.


I opened my eyes to Professor Durke and a few students crowding around me on the floor, my head supported by one of my classmate's hands. I tilted my head back and noticed it was Clara, and good acquaintance of mine. Professor Durke looked down at me fearfully.

"Rayne are you alright? Can you hear me?"

I stared confused at everyone around me. What the heck just happened?

Slowly the wires in my brain began reconnecting and I realized that I had passed out. Oh.

I lifted myself up on my elbows and replied, "Yes, yes-I'm okay."

Everyone looked only slightly relieved.

Beginning to stand up I tried reassuring them, "Really guys I am alright, just have a bit of a headache," I said, rubbing at the side of my head.

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