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Will you listen to me first, He's I to be brother-in-law. and I was telling him the room number so he can come. She completed.

Siddharth looked at him and starts laughing. Kya? Darshan asked Siddharth with an angry face but he know how much happy he was right now.

Because he doesn't want her to be with any person who is not good for her. her security and happiness matter most to him. He can not trust anyone with her, THE INSECURE RAVAL YK:) and that was the reason he was annoyed by Akshat but now everything was clear and he's happy.

Why are you smiling like an idiot? Aarina broke his chain of thought and he realise he was smiling. No......nothing. He fumbled.

They were drawn into a random conversation. soon the door opens revealing a tall guy with a handsome face and well-maintained body. how can not any girl fall for this guy? Darshan subconscious asked.

But Aarina didn't. Replied Siddharth in a whisper. can he read my mind? Darshan thinks to himself. yes, I can MR. Insecure. Siddharth replied again. The further thoughts of Darshan were broken by Marina.

Jijs he is Darshan and this is Siddharth my childhood best friend. she introduces them and vice versa. Heyy all good? Akshat asked looking concerned at Darshan.

Yeah, just a small incident. Darshan replied. Take care bro! Akshat said and he simply nod. ok, I'll leave or else you are already annoyed Di/ my to-be wife will be more annoyed. Akshat said to Aarina.

Kal meri maut hai! Aarina murmured. And they laughed. Not so funny guys and because of you both, it is happening. Aarina looked at Siddharth and Darshan. Chaloo bye. Akshat said leaving. Bye. Three of them replied.

Both Siddharth and Aarina sat with their pizza and start enjoying it. What about me? Asked Darshan. You are not allowed. Said Aarina.


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