Chapter 4 - Confused feelings

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Harry's POV

I was in a field of flowers, it was so beautiful. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky, butterflies were surrounding me but only one butterfly caught my eye. It had outstanding colors that no other butterfly had. It seemed to be drawing me to follow it. It felt as if I didn't have control over my own body. I just followed the butterfly until it suddenly landed on the shoulder of a girl. I was unable to see who she was as her back was facing me.

"Who are you?" I asked the mysterious girl.

The girl turned around and I was shocked to see that she was.... Alex? She looked so beautiful with her long brown hair and hypnotizing green eyes.

'What the? Alex's a girl?' I thought, bewildered.

"Alex is that you?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Who else would it be?" she asked with a smirk.

"But it can't be, you're a girl" I said. How could it be? Alex was a boy, not a girl! And here she was, standing in front of me looking like a girl.

"Oh but I am, Harry." she said, taking a few steps forward towards me.

I just froze in place while she continued coming closer until our faces were just a few centimeters apart.

"So Harry, what's running through your mind right now?" she whispered looking at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"I..... I......." I stuttered feeling my heart pounding so hard against my chest that I was afraid that it would jump out.

"Come on, Harry" she whispered, her lips only millimeters away.

I leaned in closer and as our lips were almost touching......... She disappeared.

Gasping, I sat up from my bed. I looked at Louis' bed, checking to see if I woke him up but I saw him sleeping soundly. Then I recalled the dream I had.

"Is Alex a girl?" I whispered to myself.

'Maybe this was the reason why I feel this way towards her.... What am I saying?! Harry, he can't be a girl. Liam would never lie to us.' I thought, trying to convince myself.

I cleared it all out of my mind and looked at the clock to see that it was 5:30 am, then I proceeded to the kitchen to cook us some breakfast, which is also a daily routine for me. As I heated the pan I got all the ingredients to cook a ham and cheese omelet. After a bit of preparing, I was finally done after 30 minutes. I was in the living room waiting for the others when I heard quiet footsteps sneaking about in the dining room and I instantly knew who it was.

"Hey, Niall step away from the food!" I shouted approaching the dining room.

"But I'm hungry" Niall whined.

"Let's wake up the others first before you finish it all by yourself." I said, chuckling.

"Uhmm....... Okay." Niall said, pouting.

Me and Niall woke everyone up except for Alex because I knew it would be better for him to sleep more because he's probably worn out from jet lag. As we all got to the dining room we sat down and ate.

"Where's Alex?" Liam asked, looking up from his plate.

"Well, I let him sleep in today because I know he's probably worn out from his flight." I said then took a sip from my tea.

"Oh ok." Liam said then continued eating.

After about 40 minutes we finished eating and just relaxed in the living room.

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