CHAPTER 5- Making Yourself At Home? (TACO'S PERSPECTIVE)

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We watched True Crime until about 3 PM! It was amazing. I don't think either of us payed any attention to the doc, more to each other. I was sure this was above friendship. I... I didn't think around her. I called her 'my love' a lot. Why didn't I just say it?-
As I cuddled her, she slowly fell asleep. I didn't. Mic looked so beautiful. How had I not noticed this before?
"Take a picture. It'll last longer," she laughed drowsily. I realized I was staring at her!
I curled up closer to her. "Shut up.."
Mic casted a glance at me. "Make me."
I sat up, causing Mic to sit up too. I turned to her. "Will this 'make you'?"

And I kissed her.

It was amazing. Her lips were so soft... I melted into the kiss before even realizing it. When I pulled away, it indeed made her quiet. When she spoke, it was a whisper. For once I could hear it. It said, "I love you so much."
I laughed. "I love you too Mic."
She kissed me. She was good at it! Her kisses were so soft, but firm. She put her hand on my face in just the right way. She was just.. agh! I never wanted her to pull back, but she did. My lips felt empty.
"You've changed, Taco. And for the better." She pulled me close. I expected another kiss, but it never came. "I'm so proud of you. For moving in with me, taking this big leap into the unknown, and doing something I could have never done."
My heart almost burst. "You helped me, my love. I'm so glad I met you."
"I'm glad I met you too."
I smiled at those words.
After a while, Mic spoke up again. "Want to go for a walk?" she asked.
"Sure!" I jumped out of bed and raced to get dressed, only to realize I had no clothes. "Can I borrow your clothes?" I asked.
"What's mine is yours, hon."
I headed for our closet and picked out a hoodie and sweatpants. I got them on to realize Mic's hoodies were too big! Meh. More room.
When I entered the living room, Mic was already out there. She looked at me and said, "Comfort over style? Oh well. You look hotter like that."
I blushed and took her hand. "Let's go, you flirt!"
When we exited the apartment, the halls were busy. I noticed people looking at us. I put my hood up and got closer to Mic, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
When we got outside, people were hanging out like the day before. But this time we joined them. Sitting on a bench, my hand entwined with Mic's, I watched people do what they usually did. Test Tube came up to us.
"Hey Taco, any chance I could have that invisi-bow back? I needed that, ha!"
She didn't sound hostile at all! I reached in my pocket and gave it to her. "Sorry for taking it."
"You're fine! Bye!"
Mic pulled me closer, the end of summer breeze gently lifting my hair. I rested my head on her shoulder.
Then someone punched me in the back of the head.

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