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Taco looked a little.. off, during the movie. So I asked her what was wrong.
"They look.. different. God, come with me."
I got up and followed her out of the cabin.
Once we were out of hearing distance, she grabbed my arm. "Mic. Have I changed?"
I started to nod, but that made her grip on my arm tighter. "Have I become weaker?"
"Where did this even come from? Of course you haven't."
Her grip on m arm relaxed and she shook her head. "Everything has been so stressful lately. It's just hard, that's all. Sorry I worried you."
I hugged her. "You're fine, love. By the way, did we ever confirm we were a thing? Or did I just assume that?-"
"Huh. I guess we never did. Will you be my girlfriend?"
I laughed and patted her head. "How could I say no?"
I sat down, letting her sit in my lap. We watched the construction of the charred hotel. In the distance, two people were talking. It was Lightbulb and Test Tube. Curious, I turned up my gain to hear them.
"I hope they don't hate me." Lightbulb.
"Of course they won't; what'd you do?" Test Tube.
"I dunno. I just feel like they'd blame me."
"If they blame you I'm personally gonna make a mind-control device to make them believe that it was lighting that caused it."
"I'd still have to live with the guilt."
"But it wasn't your fault. How many times do I have to repeat it?"
"Hmm.. 2,763 times."
"That specific number, huh?"
I turned down my gain again. It seemed wrong to listen in. I realized Taco had fallen asleep in my lap, and my heart practically melted. She was so freaking cute.
Leaning against a tree, I watched the stars.
Those were the exact same stars when I first fell in love. The exact same stars I had kissed her under. Maybe I could take her to our spot. Like, just a small treat since she's been so stressed? Yeah. That's a good idea!
I stared at the construction. So much had happened there. So much had happened period. The charred hotel seemed to stare back. I wanted to go there and search through my burned things. I remembered Taco had always wanted to go to abandoned buildings. Explore them. Maybe I could take her to one of those too? Sure. She'd love that.
I quietly smiled at her, the sleeping bundle in my arms. She's amazing. She didn't deserve to feel this way.
I promise you, Taco. I'm going to try to make you the happiest woman alive.



I woke up to see Taco awake and up, shaking me. "Wake up! You're gonna miss this!" she said excitedly, pulling me up to a standing position.
"What's got you so excited?" I laughed, blinking sleep from my eyes.
"Cheesy and Trophy! I did it!"
I yawned and let Taco drag me to a tree. "Turn up your gain!" she whispered excitedly, nudging me. I did.
"I know, Cheesy. It's just... what if we're not ready for this yet? I'd hate you if you were to back out." That's Trophy.
"Come on man! You afraid of being gay?" Cheesy.
"Of course not. Did I just not tell you I love you?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"Then tell me you love me back if you do. I hate waiting."
"I- Oh my God Trophy.."
"Just come here."
I heard the start of a make out and quickly turned down my gain. Don't want to hear that.
"See? I did it! Ahhh- I did it!!"
She looked so.. happy. I smiled. I've thought about this for a while now.
"Well, if you wanna add in some mystery.. wanna go commit criiiiimes?" I prolonged the word 'crimes' to make it more enticing.
"What kind of criiiiimes?" she asked.
"Perhaps.." I put one hand on her back and the other I gestured towards the crisped hotel. "Looking for charred possessions?"
She squealed in delight, but then we heard a "Who's there?!" Oh no. We forgot about Trophy and Cheesy-
Taco grabbed my hand and ran away with me, leaving Trophy shouting after us.
I'd never seen Taco so smiley. I suppressed a grin. I loved it when she was happy.
Finally we stopped at another tree, more towards the woods.
I huffed, out of breath. Golly she's fast!
"We should probably do it at night," Taco said, sitting down. "And we need a plan too. We're not just gonna go through ashes hoping to find something. So.. what do we do?"
I thought for a minute. "Well, we could start by going through the lobby. Then just make our way up. Using the stairs," I added, sitting down as well. "I'm not putting you in danger to spare a few more steps. Not like the elevators will work anyways."
"Right, right," she murmured. "I didn't think of that."
She leaned against me and I put my arm around her. Then she spoke.
"Should we go back to the cabins now?"
I nodded, then out of nowhere picked her up.
"Oh-!" she gasped in surprise. I laughed and carried her bride-style to the cabins.


"You ready?" I asked, finishing putting on my ski mask.
"Yup!" she whispered, shaking with excitement.
I grasped her hand and together we walked out of the cabin.
Once we got close to the hotel, the smell hit me. Really strong burn smell. Ugh.
Taco didn't even mind. She just kept on like the smell was nothing.
We stopped at the entrance. I turned to her.
"Taco. Promise me you'll be careful in here."
"I'll be fine!" she said, rolling her eyes.
"At least promise?"
"Fiiiine, love," she sighed. "I'll be careful."
"Thank you," I whispered, kissing her on the cheek. She sighed and we walked in.

(A/N: Omga cliffhanger like ONE omga

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