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So as time went by the do date for the puppies to be born came closer and closer.

Until one stormy night around close to 9 o'clock pm Perdy was going to have her puppies and so Anita, Nanny, and Nora were in the room with Perdy to help her when the time comes.

Meanwhile in another room all the boys were waiting for the news.

And Roger was listening by the door.

"Why is it taking so long?" DM asks.

"You can't rush these things kiddo" Adam says "this takes time and patients"

"He's right" Dan says "bringing puppies or babies is not an easy job, it's hard work"

Roger then looks at Pongo "If I'm this nervous about your puppies what am I gonna be like when my baby arrives?"

"Why don't you come sit down and try to calm down before you worry Pongo more with your worry" Dan says.

Roger then comes to the couch and sits next to Pongo who was staring at him.

"How can you be so calm?" Roger says.

Just then Anita saw it.

"Nanny, Nora" Anita says.

The others gasps over this and Pongo barks.

Nanny And Nora son came running down the stairs with towels in their hands Roger tried to ask if he could help but they just asked him to stay out of the way and close the door and went to go help deliver the puppies.

After a few minutes the puppies arrived and nanny came into the room being excited.

"They're here!" They look at her and she looks at Pongo "the puppies are here"

"You're a father, Pongo" Roger says excitedly.

"How many?" DL asks.

"2" Nora yells from the other room.

"Congratulations, Pongo" DR says.

"You're a father twice" roger says rubbing him happily.

"Make that 3" nanny says.

"Oh my god" Adam says "congrats my boy"

"Oh my goodness, there's 4" Nora says.

"4? Wow" DD says.

But what they didn't know was that they were being spied on to see if the puppies had arrive and when he found out that they did they left.

Sometime later it was 10:10 pm at night and storm was still going on and a lot of thunder and lightning ⚡️ was going on do to the storm.

And turtle kids were getting sleepy, but they asked Dan if they could stay up to see the puppies and Dan didn't like the idea at first so he made a deal that once they saw the puppies they had to go straight to bed and they agreed.

Just then the door opens and they look and saw that it was nanny.

"15" nanny says and leaves again.

"Do you hear that boy?" Roger asks "15 puppies"

"That's a lot of puppies" Zane says.

Just then Nora came out with a towel with something "14" they see tears from her eyes "we lost one"

Roger gets up and takes the towel and sits down and they saw the puppy.

"Poor little guy" Adam says.

Roger then shows the puppy to Pongo.

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