Thursday, 02.06.2022

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Write a piece of flash fan fiction (up to 500 words) set entirely in a canoe

We were surrounded by the ocean, with no shore to see.

"Merlin! How did we end up here?" came Arthur's voice from my left. My head was pounding, and his shouting didn't help at all.

"Eh, uhm, we..." came Merlin's voice from my right. He looked around us, trying to find an answer, but came up empty-handed. "Isn't it romantic tough? Feeling the ocean breeze and just... being together... okay, I shut up" said Merlin as Arthur was shooting daggers with his eyes. I slowly righted myself up to a sitting position when both men jumped up. Arthur got his sword in his hands and was pointing at me.

"Woah, woha, whoa, calm down there buddy! I was just watching the TV show when suddenly I fell asleep and now, I'm here!" I said, hands up in the air.

"What's a tv show?" asked Merlin and Arthur punched him in the stomach. "Ouch, I was just trying to be friendly, don't get your panties in a bunch."

"I don't wear panties"

"And that's the part that you focus on. Great."

"Calm down, boys! Somehow, we ended up here, we can go back to the shore." I said and lowered my hands and watched expectantly Arthur put down his sword.

"How do we know, if you're not here to harm us?"

"That's a good question. I don't know, but I can get back us to shore."

"How?" came Merlin's question.

"Okay, so..." I explained to them quickly that we need to make a mast and tie from our clothes a sail. When Arthur was engrossed by doing the mast, I turned to Arthur.

"Look, we will need some wind, and of course, there's no breeze today. Can you make one?" I whispered to Merlin.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Remember, I watched this tv show? From the beginning when you came to Camelot. I know you can do magic." I rushed out, and as I was looking up at Merlin all I could see was that he was as white as the wall. "Okay, that was too much. Hey! Snapback!" I said and snapped my fingers.

"Yeah, I can make up a breeze!" Said the wizard as he was sewing our shirts together to make a sail.

"Good. I want to get back to the other side of the television as soon as possible"

We did our thing silently, as the ocean rocked our boat gently. There was no land to see and no animal that could harm us. I looked around the horizon, praying that I could catch a glimpse of land when Merlin tapped my shoulder.

"If you're trying to find a land, I got you." Whispered in my ear and pointed in a direction. "If we go that way, we will arrive by night at the land.

We quickly wrapped things up and started to sail toward the shore that I couldn't see just after a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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