chapter 11.5 Thier first call

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Kei POV, 10pm

I was geting ready to go to bed when my phone started ringing. I took up the phone and it was unknown number. Who could call me in this hour? And I have phone number to everyone in the class, so who was calling me?

Phone: "Hello."

My heart stoped and smile appered on my face. The one calling me is Kiyotaka.

Me: "Hi Kiyotaka. Where did you got my number?"
Kiyotaka: "Arisu gave it to me."

Arisu? Wait, does he mean Sakyanagi? That stupid loli I met earlier? Where did she got my number? How much does she knows about me? And how close are they?

Me: "That's nice."
Kiyotaka: "We forgot to say when should we meet tommorow."
Me: "Is 2pm okay?"
Kiyotaka: "Sure. I will look fowerd to it."
Me: "Me too. See you."

Wait. Did he just end the call? Just like this? I called him. This is not how you suppost to end a call with me.

I just can't help it. My hearth skiped anthor beat when I heard his voice again.

Kiyotaka: "Hi, did you forgot somethink?"
Me: "I didn't, you did."
Kiyotaka: "Me? I don't think I did, what is it?"
Me: "So you're saying there's nothink you forgot about?"
Kiyotaka: "Not that I know of anythink. But you clearly do so why not remind me?"

Is he really that dumb? How can someone be so smart yet so. Wait, I accualy know now how is that possible. I shouldn't blame him for it.

Me: "Is this how you suppost to end a call with me?"
Kiyotaka: "Did I press a wrong button or what?"


Me: "No, you're suppost to take your time, say bye or see you at least two times and tell me to have a good night."

Kiyotaka: "What? Okay"

Me: "See ya tommorow Kiyotaka. Good night."

There was silance for a minute.

Then he started talking as fast as a rap musican.

Kiyotaka: "Bye bye good night"



My phone flew over the room. Thank's god for my clothes on the chair. Without them, my phone would broke and there would be small hole in the wall.


Kei pov, 7pm, Hirata's room, the same day.

Me: "Hi Yosuke"
Hirata: "Hi. What do you want this late?"
Me: "Sorry, do I interrupt you?"
Hirata: "No, it's okay. Come in."

Hirata: "You seem in a really good mood. So your encounter with Kiyotaka went well?"
Me: "Yes"

My smile droped. The reason I am here today isn't one I should smile at.

Hirata: "Did somethink happen?"
Me: "Well, the reason why I am here today. I would like to break up."
Hirata: "Okay. If you want."
Me:"I realized I still love Kiyotaka. And I really like you, but not in romantic way."
Hirata: "Yea, I understand."
Me: "Let's still be best friends okay?"
Hirata: "Kei, I am not hurt. We started this to protect you, not becouse of any feelings."
Me: "Yea, you're right, sorry. And thank you. If you ever need any help from me, just tell me."
Hirata: "I will. When do you want to announce our break up?"
Me: "On mondey. Let's say it happend over the weekend."

Me: "You know, you could have been at least little bit sad over it."

I said when I was closing the doors of his room behind me.


On reddit they removed the fanfiction section. Any idea about somethink similar? Where I could easly get to know about good CotE fanfictions? On wattpad it's so unclear becouse the finding thingy works like a shit :D Does anyone of you read good KiyoKei fanfic anthor then mine RN?

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