Chapter 2: Guess who's back?

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*Keylee's pov*

I just stare at the wall in front of me. The last few hours were a mix of me crying in my pillow and staring at the wall. Then I felt weak and stupid so I went down to eat something. I felt to bad to eat something so I went back upstairs. Theo was nice enough to let me stay at his house and his parents didn't complain. Now I think about it, I haven't seen them but he said it was fine.

Now is the small moment I stare at the wall again, trying hard not to cry and process everything that happened. I know I shouldn't feel this, but right now I wish I was back with Void who could just take my pain, who could calm me down by just being calm himself. Am I crazy for wishing someone back who tried to kill me? I mean- killed me. Who did kill me.

Probably crazy. But do I care? Not one bit. Did I loose my mind? I wouldn't be surprised. Yet I somehow still try to keep everything together. Right now I'm just repeating everything that happened over and over again in my head. Like that will work.

I feel another wave of tears coming up. I'm sick of it, so, freaking, sick of it! I don't want to cry. I don't want to feel weak. It makes me angry. I fall back on the bed with my face in my pillow and just scream. I scream until I feel less angry and only sad. Well that worked out perfectly huh? Not.

I take a deep breath. I need to pull myself together. I didn't get a second chance just to cry and scream. I need to get the best out of life now I can! But just one more minute lying down wont hurt right?

I hear the door open and feel the mattress sinking in besides me. I turn around on my back and see Theo looking at me. I smile weakly to convince him I'm fine. It doesn't work though.

'Are you trying to convince me you're fine while you can't even convince yourself? Come on Key, you're angry and hurt. That's fine. What you need to do is let the anger out.'

I chuckle dryly. 'Yeah? How were you planning that?'

'Hit me.'

'What?' I sit up and look at him like he's crazy. Which I kinda think he is. I mean, he just asked me to hit him.

'Hit me. If you hit me you'll feel better, trust me.'

'If I'll hit you I'll feel guilty.'

Theo sighs and smiles slightly. 'Do you remember that time in fourth grade when you made a drawing and it was suddenly gone?'

I think about it. I do remember that. It was a very good drawing of a wolf with a lizard on it's head and a cowboy besides them. I don't know why I made that drawing but even I thought it was a good one. 'I do remember it, why?'

'I stole it.'

'YOU WHAT! But- but you said you didn't!'

Theo shrugs. 'I know, I lied.'

My eyes widen. Did he really do that? 'B-but.- '

'I'm also the one who hid your backpack that one time, I mean, Scott and Stiles were in it too but I was part of it as well.'

'YOU! YOU!-'

I don't know what to say. Why is he confessing all this while I'm already angry? I might actually- oh....

'I'm still not gonna hit you.'

'No? What if I old you... you are pathetic, you got kidnapped and killed. How weak. You didn't even use your spirit power.'

I feel slightly hurt. That's mean to say. 'I couldn't help that I-'

'Yes you could. You could have practiced but instead you ran away. You ran away and now Allison is dead!'

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