Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Being lonely doesn't mean having nobody next to you, it means feeling sad at night and realising you can't talk to anyone without the constant fear of disturbing them. Its being surrounded by the people who are meant to love and cherish you but you feel as if you are out of place, as if you don't belong with them, or anywhere in this world.

They say time heals all wounds. But if it does then why am I still here with my wounds fresh emotionally and physically they are still there and I have a feeling they always will be.

However, all i feel is numb and I am left here on the cold wooden floor feeling empty, what a mistake I am.

I feel like crying but I don't want to at the same time it's like my body is just refusing to function.

I want to experience the feeling of letting go, I really do, but my mind says no, deep within myself I'm holding onto that one miniscule glimmer of hope that is buried underneath the depths of my despair

I'm tired.

I would do anything for just one day to make the darkness that lies within me to go away, my eyes are heavy and my heart is constantly aching but nobody cares I mean why should they? I'm just a nobody to everyone I've ever encountered. Of course they don't care no one ever has.

Scarlett made sure she stuck to her word.

I was 11 when she confronted me for supposedly stealing her beloved boyfriend from right under her nose.

Jason was 18 at that time.

I know, crazy right? What could an 18 year old possibly see in a child.

The mere thought of it now just makes me feel sick.

It's been 6 years since that day. The day scarlett made it her number one mission to strip any but of remaining freedom I had.

That very day was the day my life was practically taken away to the point where I was just existing not living my life like any normal teenager should.

At this point I've almost gotten used to the constant pain.

The physical pain doesn't hurt as much as my mental pain though.

I know for a fact that there is not one single person in this world that wholeheartedly cares about me

My parents left me and my new family have hated me since the day I was born.

I have no one in this world.

And I'm trapped in this place I used to call home.

It should be my birthday soon, the day I turn 18. The day I can escape this hell and maybe start a new chapter in my life.

Every night I happened to be on the verge of tears, I reassured myself that I'd get out of here as soon as that day came around.

I'd finally be free.

And if I'm correct it's only a couple of days from now.

I smiled to myself and wiped away the tears that had fallen onto my cheeks.

Just a few more days and this will all be over.

Suddenly the sound of my bedroom door creaking open brought my attention to the person entering the room.

It's my stepfather.

I hurriedly scrambled to my feet, the cold wooden floor making my body shiver in the process.

I took in a deep breath, controlling my breathing while keeping my gaze solely on the ground.

His footsteps approached me as the sudden strong stench of alcohol invaded my senses making my nose slightly scrunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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