The Morning

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---------------Trevor's POV---------------
It was 9:00 in the morning and I hopped out of bed. I knew today was going to be a good day. It's been a week since the fire. Everything was repaired. Today was the day that I had my contest. I started a contest on YouTube that whoever made me smile the most on Twitter, I would fly to LA and spend a day with. The winner of the contest was a girl named Olivia. She only lives a half an hour away an I was meeting her at a restaurant at 10:00.
I took a shower and then got dressed, by this time it was 9:45. So I figured I would get going. I told Jenna about where I was going. She wanted to come along so we left. When we got there, Jenna went to a store across the street. I kissed her on the cheek and we went our separate ways.
At the diner, a girl ran up to me with a shirt on that said Olivia, which was pretty cheesy. We sat down and had a conversation. She asked for my number, but I told her how I wasn't comfortable giving it out. I didn't trust her. She seemed crazed or like addicted to me.

--------Olivia's POV---------

I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like Trevor. He is beautiful and perfect in so many he ways. He has a voice from the heavens and all I wanna do is just grab him and keep him.

------Trevor's POV-----
I was starting to get weirded out. So I texted Jenna and told her to meet me here, and as I saw her at the glass door, I turned towards Olivia. She had a smirk on her face and kissed me!!!!!!

-----Jenna's POV------
I walked up to the door to see Trevor and Olivia face to face and she leaned in and kissed him! All I could think about is disappointment sadness and hatred. I called Jc to pick me up and just ran. I could tell he saw me running away. I hate this, I hate Trevor Moran.

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