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The next morning, Henry woke up, he was lying on that worn mattress, with a dirty blanket and Ellie by his side, inside the abandoned room of that lifeless building, he remembered that the Government were going to pick them up before noon. He looked his watch that was laying next to the makeshift bed and saw the time; ten forty-seven in the morning. He woke up his partner and they got dressed to be ready. The situation was strange, every time Henry looked at her, he felt a warm sensation in his chest, he was hypnotised by her figure, was it love towards someone else? He didn't remember having felt such a feeling before, until a few months ago, he had dedicated himself to escaping, stealing and fleeing, he hadn't had time to meet someone like her and afford to have a good time; no, it wasn't because he didn't have time, it was because he had never allowed himself to do so! And at that moment when he had a taste of what he hadn't let himself be felt for a long time, he wanted it to never end, he wanted those moments to last forever.

As time went by, the helicopter still didn't arrive, there was no sign of it, but these two managed to kill time talking. He didn't talk much, but with her he kept his mouth open for longer than the last three years together. They checked their loot, thanks to the fact that their hiding place was the upper floors of a hotel that had been forgotten, no one dared to enter (in the city they said it was cursed). Exploring the place they realised several things; the building was called Hotel Ríos and in the old brochures it was said to be the most prestigious hotel in the entire Amazon, and of course it must have been, since exploring the place, Henry and Ellie found the remains of the once spectacular establishment, it must have been a magnificent place in its glory days. Looking around, they realised that the place went bankrupt due to lack of clientele, they deduced that it was due to crime, but they did not have time to make more speculations because they heard a helicopter arrive.

Indeed, they had come for them, the helicopter landed on the roof and some soldiers got out of it along with its pilot, who was none other than Charles Calvin, the pilot who helped Henry infiltrate the Toppat airship and capture their leader, in the short time they met, he and Henry became close friends.

-We are going to have to prepare you for the welcome party at the complex, do you remember Captain Galeforce? Well, he's a major general now, and he's interested in you, lads -Charles said to the ex-criminal duo-.

After the introductions, the escort team hooked chains from the helicopter to the cash wagon to fly it to safety.

-It's impressive that you were able to get this thing up here -Charles commented-. But knowing you, Henry, it doesn't seem strange to me.

Henry was flattered by the comment, but Ellie seemed a little envious.

After taking off from the Hotel Ríos they headed for General Galeforce's base, at which point they took the opportunity to ask a few questions.

-Hey, I thank you very much for coming to rescue us, but tell me, you said that Galeforce wants to see us, why? Why would he want from us? I mean, I don't want to disrespect him, but it seems strange to me that he wants to see us.

-Ah, that, don't worry, he will explain it to you when we arrive -Charles answered, carefree-.

This only opened more doubts in Henry's head.

After more or less 40 minutes of travel they arrived at the base and saw that the general was amassing a large strike force, it looked like an invasion army; there were many tanks, attack helicopters, armoured vehicles and other things to wage war; and was also a lot of movement, soldiers walking from here to there, a helicopter taking off and lorries going across all the base; it was obvious that they were in a hurry. After landing they prepared to go to the general's barracks, but one of the soldiers who was in the helicopter stopped Henry and with a bast gave him an impressive blow to the face that left him on the floor. The others pointed their guns at him and asked him what the hell he was doing, to which this soldier took off his helmet and it turned out to be Rupert Price, who was a police officer when Henry was in West Mesa prison and also escorted him when he infiltrated the Toppat airship.

Assault on the Space Annex! A Henry Stickmin FanFiction (English edition)Where stories live. Discover now