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Guilia's mom cannot cook .Almost Every morning, she would attempt to make a beautiful breakfast , but fail and wake us up with a smoke alarm . Usually, I would have to be the one to turn it off because I'm the only one who can reach it, and Guilia would just pick up her moms mess.Her mom would then set out cereal and go to her work. However this morning no smoke alarm went off.

I felt a bright light on my face and woke up. In my room , my bed is against the wall where the biggest window is, so the sun always ends up right there, on my face. I layed there for what felt like forever . The light was  so warm on my skin , I didn't wanna move.

At first , I thought I had woken up too early and mrs. Marcovaldo wasn't awake yet, but 5 minutes later, I got out of bed to go check what time it is. "11am??", I said out loud . "Guilia and I need to be at the train station at 11:30!". I immediately ran to Guilias room and poured the glass of water that was on the dresser on her. " GUILIA WE NEED TO GO!", I screamed at her while she gasped for air , wiping the water off . " what time is it?", she asked annoyed . "11! So get up!". I left her there to get ready while I went to wake her mom up.

Mrs. Marcovaldo was no where to be found. It took me 10 minutes to just give up and go get ready. It takes about 5 minutes for me and Guilia to run to the train station , so I had 10 minutes to brush my teeth and get dressed. I walked into my bathroom , which me and Guilia share , to find her rapidly brushing her teeth . I explained I couldn't find her mom and she just rolled her eyes. " what do you mean you can't find her ??!!", she said." I mean I can't find her ",I snapped back because I was nit in the mood. Guilia finished brushing her teeth and left. When I was done , I threw on a navy blue shirt that had a wave on it with white shorts. I hurried to grab Guilia and my stuff leaving to the train station. I was kinda sad we didn't get to say goodbye to her mom but I don't think she liked me very much anyways.

She always would be nice to me but I could tell she didn't want me there. It's ok because atleats I got to go to school. I learned soo so so much and am so excited to share everything with Alberto! In fact I learned something about myself too. I like boys, and Alberto is one of those boys I like. I know he might not feel the same towards me, but I still wanna give it a shot. I understood how I felt about him after he signed a letter ,"Love Alberto", and had a very interesting dream about him if you know what I mean.

Of course I also did have a crush on the one guy. He would always grab my waist and be super touchy . He was super handsome too and played soccor. However I never had the courage to tell him, but when I see Alberto I'm gonna take him to the tower where we basically met and look him in the eyes and tell him I like him. If he rejects me atleast I'll have Guilia to get me throughout the 'breakup' phase. She knows and now all we do is talk about guys. Guilia and I are basically like siblings. We fight and annoy eachother so much it's crazy! I still love her though.

Anyways , as we ran to the station I began to have this feeling in my stomache. This feeling continued as we got on the train. Once we sat down it increased. I was so nervous that today was the day I was gonna tell Alberto how I felt.

" Luca ? Are u listening to me ?!", someone snapped in my face. It was Guilia. She was talking about the food options we could get on the train once it started moving. I couldn't think about food right then tho. " yes , but I'm not hungry right now so can we not talk about food ??", i asked. " sure I guess . But why are you shaking?". " Im just nervous about Alberto". She nodded and then continued to look out the window.

About 10 minutes later , the train started moving. I don't think i was ready but we were already going. Now all I have to do is sleep untill we get there . There is no need to be nervous , but I just have a feeling something will happen . Something not good .

I sat for about  20 minutes staring out the window untill I heard Guilia snoring. I couldn't sleep and her snoring wasn't helping. Eventually I drifted away with my nerves slowly eating away at my stomach. God , I really hope this works out for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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