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I swear that at these parties the music only gets louder. Its so loud I can feel the bass pounding through my body. The only unusual thing about these parties is that they're on an ice skating rink. This was only my third time coming to one of these. I hadn't really liked them much. Tonight I felt like I almost had to come.

At school there is a new boy and according to all of the other girls, he is extremely and unbelievably hot. All during school today my friends came begging me to come skating tonight just so they could have a large group of girlfriends to be with, drawing his attention. I didn't even know this boys name but he sounded like a player. I decided not to jump to conclusions until I actually met him, and learned his name. So I eventually asked the question that I should've awhile ago.

"What's his name, anyway? " I asked Emma in a confused voice.

"Kyle " she said anxiously.

If so many girls were practicly dying over him, he must be hot. I agreed to join my friends. I couldn't stop wondering for the rest of the day, what exactly did Kyle look like. All through sixth and seventh period I couldn't focus on my work. How rediculous. I was fantisizing over some guy I've never even met!

"Get it in gear Christina!" I thought to myself.

Those reminders didn't help. Every once in a while I would realize that my mind had strayed off to Kyleland. I've never fantisized about a boy this way.

Finally I remembered that I absolutely couldn't meet Kyle like this. My make up was only still partailly applied after the long day at school and my straight lifeless blonde hair had a few tangles here and there. I stop wondering about what Kyle looks like and more about how I would look tonight at the rink when I met him. How would I wear my hair, up in a ponytail, braid, side braid high braid, pony tail, down, curly, crimped?

When I boarded the bus after all classes have ended I sat with my long term best friend. We started to talk about what we're going to wear for tonight when she directed my attention towards the entrance of the bus. Sure enough boarding the bus was Kyle. I knew for sure that this was Kyle. He just looked like a Kyle with his dark brown, almost black, looking as if he flipped it often to the side with a simple head flick, green stars where his eyes should be, perfectly chizzled cheak bones, and a perfectly squared jaw. We made direct I contact until it got a little awkward and I pulled my gaze away from his. He truly was as cute as all the girls say he is. But there's something different about him. When I look into his beautiful green glowing eyes feeling in me that I have never felt before was triggered. What is this love? No I don't think so but if it was, was the feeling mutual?


As I arrived at home I sprinted up the stairs dropping my bag on the floor of my room with a thud.The first thing I tended to was my outfit.

"What on earth am I going to wear?" I muttered.

I was going to an ice rink so it couldn't show to much back or shoulder. I also didn't want to show a lot of cleavage either. I ended up wearing a skin tight three quarter length sleeved black v neck. I would probably get cold so I put on a zipper up black hoodie. This was my favorite hoodie. Next i put on a pair of skinny jeans with a few tears in the front. One on my upper thy, one over my knee, and one over my shin on the other leg. Then I remembered my cell phone. I had just gotten a new android phone. It was twice the size of my old ipod. It surely wouldn't fit in my hoodie pocket let alone my pants. So I put it the only other place I could think of where no one else would most likely not go. In my bra. It was a bit uncomfortable at first but after a while my body became ajusted to it.

My hair. Hmmm. What should i do with it. I decided to put it in a side braid so I didn't look like I was showing off or trying to get Kyle's attention.

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