Safe in arms

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When I opened the door I walked around a bit to see if anyone was home. Shocker. I'm home alone. I went up to my room. My room is an ensuite. The walls are turquoise and the framing around the door, closet, bathroom, and windows are black. There is a frame dropped about a half inch off of the ceiling and inside the frame there are twinkle lights on a dimmer. My bed is a queen and sits on a white platform. My comforter is black and white zebra print. Just to give you a visual of my room.

When I flopped onto my bed I thought I heard a noise in my closet. I slowly and quietly tip toed over to my closet door. I hesitated to open it but eventually gained the strength to open it. But before I actually opened it, the door swung open and Jack Lanison came out letting out a devious laugh.

Jack Lanison has had this weird obsession with me since the seventh grade. He asked me out a few times but I turned him down each time. It's not that he wasn't attractive or anything. He's extremely good looking but the fact that he has this obsession with me just kinda turned me off. He has medium brown colored hair with small blonde highlights and he has it spikey and kinda fluffy in the front on the top and the sides are shaved. It's kind of a guy hipster haircut for lack of better terms. He has tannish skin and bright green eyes. He is about 5' 11" and very toned.

I screamed out of suprise. "Jack you scared me half to death!! Why are you here?!" I asked with my hand over my heart and out of breath.

"For this." He said with a sly look on his face inching towards me and before I even had time to ask what 'this' is, he crashed his lips against mine. Of course I didn't kiss back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I denied by pulling away. I tried to run but he just pushed me against a wall. Then he leaned against me putting almost all of his weight against me.

He then slammed his hands on the wall on either side of my head. His head kept getting closer and stopped when our foreheads were touching. I immidiatly turned my head when I saw lust in his eyes. I began to cry in fear of what was going to happen next.

"Shhh baby what's wrong?" He asked. Is he serious?! He broke into my house and has me pinned against a wall and doesn't know what's wrong?!?! This guy is an idiot.

By now I was crying to hard to answer. He put a hand under my chin so I was now facing him again.

"Stop crying Babe. You'll enjoy this." He said in a deep but quiet voice. This sent chills up my spine. By now I'm absolutly terrified.

Next he picked me up in a way that made me un able to move. He plopped me onto the bed and sat on my hips and pushed my hands down beside my head and held them there with his stong hands. I was so scared that I couldn't move. He sat like that for about a minute and he leaned in to kiss me again but I screamed. To shut me up he crashed his lips against mine again.

"The sooner you want this to be over the more cooperation you will give me." He whispered these words into my ear when he pulled out of the kiss. All I could do was nod.

The tears started flowing down my face again as he slipped his hands under my shirt and unhooked my bra. He then pulled my shirt off over my head and started kissing along my jaw then down my neck and to my chest. Then he slipped his hands under my skirt and pulled down my underwear. This just made me cry harder. At this point I just wanted to die. He then unzipped his jeans and pulled them down a bit. I didn't know what to do. If I tried to reach for my cell phone he would probably hurt me more than he already has. All I could do right now is close my eyes and if I fall asleep maybe this will be over sooner. Shhh Christina just close your eyes. Stop thinking. Block out sound. Block out life and soon enough I was asleep.

When I woke up I was curled up in a ball under the covers on my bead. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe It had never happened. Just to check I looked under the sheets and unfortunatly I was completely naked. I got out of bed and put pajamas on and burst into tears. I also know it happened because my down stairs area is aching.

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