Płäŷ Ŷøür Ćárdś Rìght pg.7

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Chresanto POV:
I hummed to the radio as I drove to Cristiana's house.During these past months,we've really bonded as great friends and she makes me feel like a great person inside. I made a quick stop to mc Donald's to get some breakfast for me and Cristiana so I got out my wallet.

Radio:"Breaking news to all those in Cali,there has been a shocking disappearance of a mid 20 aged woman called...*cut off*
Wow! Nearly every person goes missing everyday.i wonder who it is?whatever that's the least of my problems*shrugs then gets out the car*
I walked in the store to see only 2 people here so I walked up to the available counter.

Me:hey there
Lady:Oh sorry I didn't see you there! Can I help you?
Hmmm she was beautiful with amazing features.i HAD to get her number for sure!
Me:well can I get *any order* with your number on the side?
Lady:*chuckles then gets the order* here you go and don't worry it on the house * slips paper in his pockets* see you around *winks*
I walked towards my car then got in and started the engine.I quickly pull out the paper which said
"Don't you think I'm a bit too old for you silly games? Grow up and stop being desperate!
From:stone xoxo"

What kind of a name is stone for a girl!?😂😂whatever girls theses days
2 minutes later I pulled up by Cristiana's house and honked the car horn....no answer .I honked again.no answer.somethings going on here.....
I got out the car and knocked on the door.nobody was in? I checked the windows and the back garden but it looked fine? I ran across the street to her neighbour Mrs Marilyn.

Me:*knocks on door*
Mrs:hello Chresanto how can u help you?
Me:urm.. Have you seen Cristina?
Mrs:*face turns into fright* oh god didn't you hear!?
Me:no what happened!
Mrs:she's been kidnapped!poor little thing I saw the men who took her but they told me not to come outside of I wanted to get killed!
My heart stopped.she was kidnapped and I didn't notice.what?why!? I asked where what direction they took off and it was up the street. Up the street! That was my only clue.

I sat in the car processing where she could've gone so I forgot about work since this was more important and drove to my friend Jacobs house.....

A/N:I will update more tomorrow and comment below how it's going so far thanks!xx

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