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The one where Shawn cooks dinner for you after a stressful day

The clock read 4:45. That meant only 15 more minutes until you could leave this absolute hell hole. Today has been one of the worst days at work. It was just one thing after another. You worked in HR at a law firm. Of course you've dealt with your fair share of idiots in your job but today just took the cake.

It started with your boss calling a meeting at 8:30 to discuss some new protocols because of some complaints about how people felt bullied when dealing with HR, you weren't really paying attention to be honest and you knew that you were not who the protocols were meant for. Then when you got back to your office at 9:30 you see a file on your desk about a complaint made. It was against your boss, honestly you weren't surprised, he was a dick.

As you were dealing with that the fire alarm in the building went off so you all had to evacuate and off course it was raining today. You spent 25 minutes standing in the rain only to find out that the alarm was triggered by someone's fucking burnt grilled cheese because they were making out with a coworker in the room next door. So that led you to your second file of the day.

And to add to it, when you went to grab your lunch from the fridge you saw that it had been eaten. You just about wanted to scream. You had some snacks in your desk but a granola bar was not as good as the Turkey sandwich you had packed. When you thought your day couldn't get any worse you get a call about a fight occurring in one of the lunch rooms. A literal fist fight. With grown adults. You had to talk to them both separately and found out that one of them had slept with the other one's girlfriend and so instead of talking about it, they punched each other. Typical alpha males.

You were absolutely exhausted and really just needed to go home. You called Shawn and he thankfully he picks up

"Hey pretty lady" he says on the line.

"Hey" you said quietly.

"What's wrong? You sound sad."

"I'm not sad I'm just exhausted. It's been a rough fucking day" you said clearly upset. You then proceeded to tell him about all the bullshit that occurred during your day.

"Damn y/n, that really was a rough fucking day" Shawn said through the phone.

"And I know tomorrow is going to be busy and the next day after that, it never ends because guess what? The people here are all animals and don't know how to act civilized. I need to look for a new job" you said sighing and swirling in your chair.

"If that's going to make you happy then I think you should. You're so good at your job, but you just need a better environment".

"And a break" you repeated after Shawn.

"And a break. And you deserve one".

You looked over at the clock and it read 5:00.

"Thank god, I can go home" you said into the phone to Shawn. "Okay baby, I'll see you at home soon. I might pick up something to eat to be honest because I'm fucking starving"

"No no baby, I'm sure there's something here we can whip up. Don't waste any more time, just come home. You need it"

You debated for a second. You really didn't want to have to cook when you got home but you also knew Shawn was right. You really just wanted to be be home so you could lay on the couch with a glass of wine -or multiple glasses of wine- and just chill out. If all you were going to eat was left over Mack and cheese then so be it.

"Okay, I'll just come straight home. I'll see you in about an hour. I love you"

"I love you too baby. Drive safe. I'll see you soon" Shawn said to you and you hung up. You gathered your keys and purse and headed out of your office, papers and files littering your desk, but you truly did not care.

You got into your car, connected your phone to your Spotify driving playlist and headed home.

53 minutes later

You pulled into the driveway and parked your car. You grabbed your things off the passenger seat and headed inside. You expected to see Shawn sitting on the couch with a wine bottle and 2 glasses in hand but to your surprise he was not there. You heard music coming from the kitchen which you thought was odd. You placed your bag on the bench at the front door and kicked off your shoes and headed towards the kitchen to see what was happening.

As you walked in and took in what was happening your heart started to melt a little bit.

There Shawn was with a stupid apron on cooking steaks and what looked like potatoes and asparagus, which was one of your favourite meals.

Shawn turned around and smiled when he saw you standing there. He had a spoon in one hand and tongs in another.

"Baby" you said softly.

Shawn placed the utensils down and walked over to you to give you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tight, Shawn doing the same to you.

"You deserved a nice meal after that day and I know I'm not much of a cook but I watched a video on how to cook steak and I watched another video on how to cook potatoes and asparagus and I think I'm nailing it" shawn said still hugging you.

You chuckled a bit and broke away the hug to kiss him sweetly on the lips.

"Thank you Shawn. You are the sweetest person on this planet. I don't deserve you" you said holding his face in your hands. Shawn turned his face a bit to kiss your hand.

"You are the toughest person on this planet and you deserve the world" he said back to you.

You headed over to the counter and sat on one of the stools while you watched Shawn cook. He looked really sexy doing so.

As the meal was finishing Shawn grabbed 2 wins glasses out of the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of red that was sitting on your wine shelf. He opened it and poured some in both glasses. He handed one to you and he took one himself, both of you taking a sip of it.

Shawn finished cooking and took 2 plates out of the cupboard to serve the food. He put all 3 things on the plates and then handed you a plate.

"Thank you baby. It smells delicious" you said staring at your food.

Shawn grabbed his own plate and glass of wine and sat down next to you.

He held his glass up in the air, as if to do a toast. You picked up your glass as well.

"To you always doing the most, at work or just in life. I appreciate you and I love you" Shawn said sweetly.

"And to you who always knows how to make me feel like the most important person in the world. I love you". You clinked your glasses and each took a drink of your wine.

Just as you were about to take a bite of your food Shawn said something. "Oh and If the food isn't cooked, I have the pizza guy on speed dial". You both laughed and took a bite.

A/n: hey! This one was okay. I kinda hate the ending but I can never figure out how to end them so this'll just have to do. If you've got requests please comment or something. I'd love to hear them.

Also I know these don't get a lot of reads but I do appreciate everyone who does read them and the one person who always votes for all the parts, I especially appreciate you <3

Okay byeeeeee

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