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The gods gather yet again, to discuss humanity's fate, they had won Ragnarok 1,000 years ago but now, the gods are to decide if another Ragnarok shall happen

Zeus: Hello everyone, I believe we are all here

Buddha: yeah, we should be

Shiva: so, we're, here again, let's look over the human's behavior in the past 1,000 years

Aphrodite: it seems humans have changed for the better in these past 1,000 years, the world is flourishing yet again, beauty was restored

Shiva: there in an age of peace, this always happens, they hit a age of peace, but as soon as it's done, they go to war

Zeus: is this concerning you Shiva?

Shiva: not particularly, but it still is worth mentioning

Zeus: hmmm, I see, any other statements to add

Buddha: come on old man, let's just get this over with, I have to meet up with a friend later

Zeus: I see, well, will you inform her of my plans?

Buddha: plans?

Zeus: ahem, everyone, I have made a decision, it is about Ragnarok, it shall be a tradition, every 1,000 years, we shall hold a Ragnarok, each year bigger than the last, any questions or concerns

The room falls quiet, Zeus looks around, everyone appears unamused, but Zeus doesn't appear to care

Zeus: it is settled, no matter what you say, we will have another Ragnarok

Zeus slams his hammer down as it skips to Buddha sitting down at a table with Brunhilde

Brunhilde: so, I assume everything went as planned

Buddha: yes, except, Zeus wished for me to inform you, that Ragnarok is now a tradition

Brunhilde: of course it is, that old man is always doing things to anger me, why not have another Ragnarok

Buddha: it's not for the fate of humanity, don't worry, instead, he wishes to make a bet with you

Brunhilde: I see, I'll meet with him during Ragnarok, but for now, I have to gather up my fighters

Buddha: I have one, in particular, in particular, I'd like to request you grab, you probably don't know him, his name is Kazuto Kirigia, code name, kirito, he's a swordsman that you most likely would have looked over had I Said nothing, he will be useful for winning, I know because he beat me in a spar, so he'll be an asset to your cause

Brunhilde: any other ideas?

Buddha: of course

It skips to Brunhilde approaching an apartment building and letting out a sigh

Brunhilde: Goll, why do you live in a place like this

She starts to walk up, getting to a door and knocking, fumbling is heard, and not long after Goll opens the door looking at Brunhilde, wearing nothing but a towel

Goll: oh, sister, what a surprise, I was just in the shower so kinda a bad time

Brunhilde: Goll, I need your help, there's going to be another Ragnarok and we're helping the humans again

Goll: HUH, but... the humans turned around... didn't they

Brunhilde: yes, and this isn't for their fate, we'll discuss this later, for now, grab jack and hlokk, I'll get Kojiro and hrist

Goll: oh... ok I'll just go get dressed real quick

Brunhilde: go ahead, we're heading in opposite directions after all

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