✨Breaking A Promise✨

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Someone is humming softly.
I am barefoot, standing on grass.
Is that--- a stream? Or river?
What time is it?
Seems like sun is setting.
What is this place?

*Humming continues*

Who's humming? Where is this person?

Me: Hellloo?? Where are you???

Girl : (echoed voice) Come near the river !

There is a big tree beside the river, I think the voice is coming from there.
I slowly went towards it.
As I looked behind the tree, I saw a girl sitting on the grass, dipping her feets into the river and wiggling her feets slowly.

Girl: Sit....

Me: who are you? Wha--what is this place? Why am I here?? How am I here?

The she turned to me.
I felt the shock through my bones.
It's her... It's.... Vaani.
I... I ... How can I... Why is she.....

Vaani: Am I that ugly??  She giggled.

I was too much stunned to speak.
I must be dreaming..
It has to be a dream.

Vanni: Oh yes. You are dreaming.

She can hear my thoughts? WTF.

Me : How can you ..  I mean... What is happening?

She stood up and came to me.

Vaani: I don't know... I just felt like telling you something and boom... Here I am.

Me: Tell me what ?

She looked at me for few moments. And then said...

Vaani : I know what are you planning...but...I am just warning you... It can be dangerous.

Me : Know what?

Vaani: That little plan in your head. It's dangerous. Darsh said No ... He doesn't want you to get involved, still....

Me : You think I'm wrong?

Vaani : Nope... It's just too dangerous.

Me : I know that. And I am not afraid of danger. I can't let him do everything all by himself.

She smiled.

Vaani: You are a good person Arushi.
Promise me you'll protect Darsh always.

Me: Always.

Vaani : Okay... Now..

It's time for you to wake up.

Within a blink she pushed me hard.

I felt my back touched the water and it's gobbled me within a few seconds.
I---- I can't--- breathe.
He----l---p.... I----

GIFTEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें