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Dream pov
Puffy asked me to come to the community house I don't know why but I decided to go any way
Once dream got there
I was confused why I was here.

No ones pov
"Dream your going to be executed in a couple days." Quackity said dream just stared in shock after everyone left dream excepted ver fate they knew being alive was to good for them. Though some questions remained in peoples head like why were they executing them? Or if what they were doing was the right thing? The answers are unclear

Day of execution
"Dear smp today's the day we kill the moster the one who caused chaos traumatized us hurt us did s*it to us today's is the execution of dream sam please do to honour" as tubbo finished his sentence sam stabbed dream blood splattered everywhere ver eyes became lifeless and dull no longer with that shine blood trailed out of dreams wounds mouth nose as there body stayed lifeless on the floor was this the right choice maybe not but they could of made the right choice who knows?

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