Chapter 1

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"Autum, what happened?" My best friend Austin asked while wiping away one of my tears. "Its hard to explain." I whispered. "Come on, you can tell me anything. I am your best friend. You my little sister Autie. I miss the old you." Austin said. I missed the old me to. I am not the same person I was a week ago. Everything happened so fast.

My bestfriend Callie, she had to go back to her dad and step mom in Texas. They beat her. I cant stand the fact she has to go back there. They broke her arm once. It was horrible. But thats not why I am so sad. Austin is my only friend. They rest of the people hate me. I get bullied every day. I dont know why.

I dont get it. Every one asks what happened. No one, not even Austin, asks if I am ok. I love Austin untill death but it hurts knowing no one cares. Austin trys to ask whats wrong but its so hard to explain. Its like telling someone what water taste like or what air feels like. Its so hard.

I use to have a other best friend named Kim. She turned on me about a month ago. She is the one that started the bad bulling. Before I would be like ok, what ever but now I am in tears. I dont get how a person you can trust the most turn into some one I dred seeing.

My parents left me on my 12th birthday. In two days I will be 13. I live in a verry poor area. I am in a adoption center but I know that no one will take me in.

"Austin, want to the mall?" I asked while twirling the phone cord. I have has a crush on Austin for like ever, now i sound like a normal girl. "Um, yeah. What time?" He asked. "How about now." I replied. "Ok, see you soon." He said then hung up. I could feel my cheeks flushing with redness. "Kelly, i need you to take me to the mall!" I yelled. "Ok!" She yelled back.

I almost jumped out of the car when i saw Austin waiting for me outside of the mall. I didnt bother to say thank you or good bye to Kelly. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car quickly as I could. Kelly might seem all happy on the outside but she is really a monster on the inside.

"Austin!" I screamed. He whiped around and held his arms out for me. I jumped into his arms. "Woah, whats wrong?" He asked. "Kelly again." I replied. I lifted up my shirt a little bit to show Austin the bruise Kelly gave me. She hit me with a ruler really hard on the ribs. "Oh my god." Was all what Austin said. He knew that Kelly beat me but she never left a big mark on me like this one. I put my shirt down and he walked on the other side of me. He wrapped his arm around me and his hand was right over the bruise. But he didnt push on it or anything, he rubbed circles on it. It acutally felt better. I wonder how he knows what to do. "I looked it up." I said as if he read my mind. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. He laughed and nodded

"AUstin, I have to tell you something." I said. He wiped away one of my tears. "What is it?" He asked. "Are you really my friend? Or do you feel bad for me. Or does some one pay you to be firends with me?" I asked. He looked shocked. "Autum, you know I am your friend. I am not your friend, i am your best friend. But I want to be more than friends." He muddered the last part but I still herd it. I cant beleive it, he likes me. "Austin, I do to." I whispered. His face lit up. "Then lets make it ofical. Autum, will you be my girlfriend?' Austin asked. "I would love to." I replied.

When I got "home" I walked upstairs. I put my bag down and slumped onto my chair. I relised that it was time for dinner so I walked over to the door. I opened it to find Kelly. What did i do now?

I felt a sting on my cheek. She slapped me. She kicked right were she left the bruise yesterday. "Stop! What did I do?!" I screamed. She didnt answer. I saw her take something out of a bag.

She took it from behind her back and hit my back with it. It was medal bar or something. I yepled in pain. "Shut up." Kelly growled at me. She took another swing at my ribs. It hit the bruised area and I yelled louder now. Tears were rolling down my face. She smacked the bar across my face. I crashed to the gound in pain. "Stop!" I herd a boy scream. I couldnt tell who it was. Kelly ran away when he pulled out his phone and then all i saw as blackness.

A/N: Hey! This is my new story! I deleted my other ones cuz i didnt know wat to do next. soooooooo tell me what you think! please vote and comment what you think! this one is short but the next soon or tomarro! Lots of love! <3

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