The shock

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Third person's POV

Its now lunch time all boys and girls gathered around a table trying to figure something out. Trough the crowd reavealing a girl sleeping peacefully.
Looking comfortable.

One of the students reach out a hand to wake her up

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One of the students reach out a hand to wake her up. But before they can reach her she began to open her eyes revealing golden gem. Shine bright trough her eyes. The whole group shook by the graceful they've experiance now

The girl satup and yawn while rubbing her eyes. The group melts with her cuteness. She then look at them with confuse face"what are you guys doing?"rimuru asked"u...uh we were just trying to wake you up since its lunchtime"midoriya said

Rimuru then let uot a sigh and stand up from her seat making everyone in the room back away with fear. Rimuru then look at them again then sigh" you guys don't have to be scared im chill see?" Rimuru then said with a warmth smile on her face making everyone in the room more relaxed.

Rimuru's POV

" now lets go eat lunch before my class starts ok?" I said jokingly then walking to the front door opens it forgetting to control my strengh. CRASH* the door went flying with seroius amount of wind force. I stood there stunned i turn my head and look over my shoulder to the students. They were in shock. A cold droplet of sweat apearing on my face. I then snapped my finger and the door went back to normal"oh...haha...i must forgot to control my strengh....i'll be carefull nextime....imma go eat lunch see ya later kiddos!" I let out a awkward chuckle then leave with embarrassment. I walked my way to cafeteria. I order some katsudon and pay for it be fore grabbing the plate and walk to an emty table and sat down. Trying to eat like 'normal' people. Then i saw midoriya and some of his friends came to sit with me. They seems hesitated so i wave at them to come sit with me. They flinch abit but then walking towards me and sit with me"uh hey miss rimuru" said midoriya" hello kiddos and please just rimuru is fine" i said give them a friendly smile.

 They flinch abit but then walking towards me and sit with me"uh hey miss rimuru" said midoriya" hello kiddos and please just rimuru is fine" i said give them a friendly smile

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They all blush and look away from me(ugh i wish i colud deactiveted this 'diety beauty' skill) i continue to eat but forgot waht i was pretending to to. I use my azatoth and absorbed the whole plate. The students in my class looking at me shocked. Then i reallized what i just did and cold droplet of sweat then appear on my face(OH MY GOD WHY DO I BECOME SO DENSE THESE DAYS!?)
I thought


(What was that ciel?)

<nothing its just your imagination>

"What was that you just use can you tell me more!?" Midoriya asked pulling me back to reallity
"Oh its one of my power hehe..." i akwardly chuckle
"Could you please tell me how it works!?" He then ask again now holding a notebook and a pen fliping trough padges agressively(WHERE DID HE EVEN GET THAT FROM!?) "Uh this power is called azatoth its conected to my infinity stomach where i can absorb things and pull it out to use later sounds gross but its really use full!" I answer without hesitant. The others that were sitting with me then look at me intrested in asking questions with no more fear but is filld with curiosity. I nodded signaling for thsm to ask me whatever. And i ended up answering qusetions and talking with them the whole lunchtime. Not gonna lie that was fun.
Back to the class it was now my turn to teach the class. I walk into the class while changing my clothes into a white long sleaves shirt wearing belt with black pants.

After changing i pull a chair out of my body(yep i absorbed a chair in tempest before coming here)i sat down looking at the students half of them seems shock other half already know but still shock of how i literaly ate a chair"Ok now ask me anyth...

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After changing i pull a chair out of my body(yep i absorbed a chair in tempest before coming here)i sat down looking at the students half of them seems shock other half already know but still shock of how i literaly ate a chair"Ok now ask me anything we have only one hour soooo" i said prepairing for the questions"YOU ABSORBED A CHAIR!?" the alien looking girl ask still shock.

"Yep i did before i came here next please" i answer poping the P before asking for other question. And yep i ended up answering question again for a whole hour.

It was now after school we were going to our dorms

We were walking but i let out a sigh made everyone stop walking"man im too lazy to walk hey you with the black hair momo right?" I ask"y...yes its me do you need anything?"momo then ask"could you streach out your arms like this like you were holding something" i said then streach out my arms." this?" She then mimic my pose and i transform into a slime and hoped onto her arms getting comfy."go on keep walking please" i said looking at the students"EHHHH!?" Is what they said looking shock as ever"What? Go on keep walking"i said confused. They then snap back to reallity and walk to the dorms muttering with eachother( man being like this makes me think of shion)
I then snuggle with momos arms. She squeaks abit then keep walking blushing like crazy"awh how lucky"the small purple hair boy said. The girl shot a glare at him and he shrink down with fear(man what a day today) i thought before getting lost in thoughts of how to teach the kids tomorrow with exitment.

 The girl shot a glare at him and he shrink down with fear(man what a day today) i thought before getting lost in thoughts of how to teach the kids tomorrow with exitment

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(DISCONTINUED)If Rimuru went on vacation(Tensura and MHA crossover)Where stories live. Discover now