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Few knocks on the door then opened by Mrs. Lee who automatically turned her eyes to the boy standing in front of her. Shock were visible in her face that made Hyunjin understands their situation.

" Good evening Mrs. Lee. " He greeted politely followed by a genuine smile that made the woman smiled at him too. She knew him of course, How could she not recognize the boy in front of her ? He was her son's first heartbreak. But the boy doesn't even know the idea and just thinking she mistakenly thought he's Hyunjae.
" Sorry for my sudden appearance. I am Hyunjin by the way. " He said and Mrs. Lee just sighed in her thought. He's really different from his brother she knew it.
" And if you mind... " Turning his head at the boy sleeping peacefully at the passenger seat.

" Did he call you? " Mrs. Lee asked worriedly as she saw her only child and Hyunjin just nodded as an answer.

" He's drunk and he actually thought I am Hyunjae. " Hyunjin simply explained like it was a normal thing to him and was used about people mistakenly think he's Hyunjae.

He's miserable and she knew it. They're all aware of it actually since the death of the man he love. But didn't try to open a conversation about it as they're seeing how Felix is trying to look normal in front of all people around him. He needs time and they're giving him all the space he needed.

Mrs. Lee guided the way to Felix's room as Hyunjin volunteered to carry the younger and take him to his room.

" Are you sure you'll stay? You don't have to do it Hyunjin. He's already sleeping. We have an available room for you and you need to rest too. " Mrs. Lee said worrying as Hyunjin decided to stay with Felix for a night to take care of the younger.

" I'd made a promise and my sibling is a one word man. " Hyunjin answered then flashed a genuine smile.
" Don't think about me Mrs. Lee. I'm fine with it."

" I'm so sorry in my child's behalf. He'll be fine soon. " Mrs. Lee said sincerely and Hyunjin just mouthed 'it's okay ' without removing the smile on his lips.
" Okay I'll leave so you can rest too while Felix is sleeping. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you need something. "

" I will. " Hyunjin answered then they exchanged goodnights.

Heading back to Felix's room and surprised as he saw the younger awake while resting his back against the bed's headboard. He look so damn gorgeous with his messy blond hair while staring at the pillow in his lap seems like in a deep thought.

" You're awake. " Hyunjin said then smile as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. But as the younger just stared at him made the fear slowly rises from Hyunjin's body. That maybe he's completely sober and will ask him to leave cause he already knew he isn't his Hyunjae.
" I-I'm... -" and words being cut as Felix quickly got up from his bed and ran towards him to give him a tight hug.

" I-I was so scared, I-I thought you already left me." Felix's cracked voice that ripped Hyunjin's heart into pieces. His shirt is slowly getting wet from younger's tears and all he can do is to give him a warm hug to reduce the pain he's feeling at the moment.

" Shhh.. I'd made a promise. I won't leave, okay? " he said while caressing the younger's back to stop him from crying.

Hyunjin felt like just a plain stupid thinking how fast the night is. Felix took a small step backward and tiptoed...

Before he knew..

Their lips were already connected sharing in a soft and warm kiss. Arms were wrapped around his neck seems like don't wanna end what they're doing at the moment. Don't wanna let go and it was all enough to remove the remaining sanity he has as he was completely driven by the hidden feelings he's having for the younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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