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Stephan looked all around him as the murmurs were just intensifying he had to say something to calm them down so he started:" calm , calm my friends let me talk ", " that so called king chose of us all the talented people , made them climb slowly slowly to the heights and got them by his sides , and they liked that , sad they were all our friends and similars , family, for some , that superiority they got between their hands , that was the thing they couldn't resist , but in my case ....I have a further view than money and power","we are all remembering the day they took me and much others and obligated us to work for army, some like me were brilliant as he wanted , those are now minister and general etcetera , from my part i never liked that and used the work they gave me for something else .... " "now I m done my starting point " they asked for more explanations but he left them anxious as soon as he didn't want to tell more .

"Determination and the spirit of initiative can beat any army"

The same evening the king was recalling this sentence he could catch of Stephan's discourt as he was leaving,"I don't understand what's the real meaning of this but .. I hope that it's not what I am thinking of .." his well knowledge of the past minister competences left him worried about this little proverb (a well played move by stephan )"if he was planning to stand against me that's a childish dream " "and if it was something else..." He closed his eyes while still not admitting that there's a clear meaning behind that sentence and while trying to sleep he couldn't stop him self from remembering every single hopeless war won just thanks to his planning
  "Maybe I trusted him too much .. who expected that anyone can leave such confort" "yet what's expected of such a person .. murmured him deeply confused ...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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