Musume and Musumo x Gender Neutral Reader

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Everyone knew who the twins were, if you thought Musumo was spoiled, just wait till you saw his sister Musume. Those 2 were the son and daughter of a loan shark, Ronshaku Loans was the name and I've heard alot of things about that shady company.   

Just like how the company was no good, the twins were no better, both were absolute bullies a prime example was Horuda Umetsu, Musume would hit her with the eraser, getting poor Horuda paler than a ghost with all the chalk in her hair and face.

Musumo would snatch the berets off the art club members head and sometimes ruin their paintings, at the end of the day it would always be them laughing at the chaos and trouble in their wake, luckily it was the second semester, and you never had any trouble with them, so nothing would happen to you, right?

Musumo/Musume/ You

"Hey Musume come see this funny looking girl/boy/person in the hall." Both students peep out of the doorway of a classroom and watch you, walk down the hall on your phone, not giving any notice to your surroundings. "They don't have a beret." "The teachers haven't used the erasers yet. What are we gonna do?" "You still have your water bottle from home?" "Yea." "Great, we're gonna give them a water slide, along with a shower."

Sneaking up behind you Musume splashes the water on the floor,  feeling droplets you look down to see where it came from but not before you feel 2 sets of hands push you. You slide  until you lose balance and your rump hits the floor, before you can even think to get up you feel a cool sensation go from your head, down your back, and down your face. You look up as you see the blonde duo pointing and laughing at you. Your mind quickly races to the thought of your phone, luckily no water damage. 

"I hope it was worth it because you 2 are gonna get it from the guidance counselor." "I hope you realize you all will be spending your afternoon in detention for playing with water in the hallway." "Ms I didn't do anything-" "No excuses, if you aren't in detention when I do roll call this afternoon, I'll make you clean the school from top to bottom instead of going to class." 

The guidance counselor walks off, you get up from the puddle to start making your way to the locker room for your gym uniform. "Nice going idiot, you got us in trouble." "Yea!" "Maybe next time, you two scatterbrained bullies shouldn't be throwing water in the hallways. You may have gotten me this time, but I will for sure find a way to return the favor, mark my words you blonde bimbos." 

Hearing them scream at you from down the hall you stay on your path to the locker room, changing and hurrying back to your class before the bell could even ring. You'd seen what happened to Horuda, so you didn't even bother to stick around in the classroom. Going into the courtyard you sit with your back to the wall,  your eyes on watch, your ears listening for any kind of menacing sound. After all you were already going to detention for something you didn't even do.

-After School-

You were sitting in the detention room near a window, when a nasty smell wafted in, was there a fire going on? "Ms, may I go to the restroom?" "Yes." You calmly walked out of the classroom,  bolting outside, no fire, but a small cloud of smoke. Someone was smoking on campus, a quick pull out of your phone and a peek behind the corner revealed.... the bimbos.

You snapped a quick couple of photos, and than straightened yourself up before coming out and clearing your throat for their attention. "You mind explaining to the guidance counselor what is exactly you two are doing smoking on school grounds or should I?" "Wait a minute, please don't snitch on us!" You pop a quick finger to your lips, signaling for the girl to hush. "We can come to a deal, we won't mess with you again, just don't say anything." 

"Did they even show up for detention?" "Only 1, but he/she/they just went to the restroom." "Tell them that they can go home for the day and just clean the school tomorrow since the others didn't show."

"Nice, now we have to clean the school tomorrow." "We?" "Oh no you can clean the school tomorrow by yourself." "You do remember that I still have the picture of you smoking right? If you don't want the counselor seeing that I suggest you come ready to work." Heading back to the classroom you hear groans before you head back into the building for your things.

-Next day-

The scrubbing,sweeping, wet mops hitting the floor was all that was heard for the first 30 minutes until the complaints began. "I don't wanna do this I, my nails are getting filthy!" You sit on the bench and take off the big plastic gloves. "These dirty gloves are one thing, but this disgusting mop is another, father wouldn't be happy with this!" You lay back a bit against the wall before pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "It's called learning, we only got to the rooftop, thank goodness the guidance counselor will let us do the 2nd, 1st floor and courtyard after lunch."  "May I ask how you're so calm about this?" "They're poor of course they're used to cleaning."

"My folks aren't poor but we aren't rich either, I'm just no stranger to doing chores, neither of you seem used to this since you're complaining so much, if you want less work do different sections of the roof for crying out loud."  You get up to claim a section of the roof to work on, not long after, you see the twins split and do the same. 

The lunch time bell rings and you watch how students try to open the door, than realize it's locked, a sigh of relief leaves your lips, a long blink of your eyes was broken as you hear the sound of a person sitting down on a bench next to you. "Why are you such a goody 2 shoes?" "Excuse me?" "You're always following the rules, what's wrong with you not breaking them?" "Well Musume , I wasn't born into as much money as you." 

"Wait, say my name again, please." "Musume?" "I like hearing my name roll off your tongue." She put her hand on your knee and leans in close, before pushing herself up and straddling your thigh. "Lets break one rule together, after all, me sitting on you like this might imply something." 

"Which is why I'm going to ask politely ask you to get off." A hand softly grabs your chin, pulling, you in another direction where you end up locking lips with Musumo. A clawed hand brings you away from him, kissing you deeper than he did, you break the kiss and realize both twins had just kissed you.

Musume tugs your uniform down, you hear a door open and you freak out and get up making a beeline back to your cleaning supplies, the counselor peeked around the door with a suspicious look on her face,leaving shortly after. 

Musumo pulled both you and Musume behind the corner block where you both twins had you pinned against the wall, one going for your lips  the other at your neck, safe to say you had a nice break before getting back to work.

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