♥️Chapter 2♥️

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   "Uncle Jack...?"

   "Yes, Y/n...?"

   "Umm, the school wants to see you..."

   The man with brown messy hair and a stubble looked up with tired eyes. "What is this time?"

   Y/n tried to hold her laugh as she watch him cut carrots to make dinner. He wore a pink apron, the one she gave him for his birthday.

   "I can see your smirk Y/n..."

   He stared right at her, with this, Y/n burst out laughing. "I can't h-help it you just look so g-good in that apron-"

   Uncle Jack stared at her unimpressed before he continued making dinner.

   "So why am I being summoned this time?"

   "Umm..." Y/n wiped the tears from her eyes, "Because I beat up another girl..."

   Suddenly a loud chop startled Y/n. Slowly Uncle Jack looked at her. "Were you trying to defend me again?"

   Y/n looked down, "Yes..."

   Uncle Jack let out a sigh before taking wiping his hands on his apron and taking it off. He approached Y/n and tightly hugged her.

   "You know you can ignore their comments right...?"

   "I know..."

   "I love you Y/n"


   "I love you too."

• • •


   "Uhh, dad...?"

   "Not now Heavy I'm busy."

   "Somethings come up, you've been summoned to the school."

   The man on the desk looked up from his work, as he took off his glasses and said, "On what occasion?"

   Heavy recalled what the lady had said and relayed his father the information.

   "Is that all?"

   The boy took a deep breath before he entered the room. On the top of his head lay a bald spot, which had been cut as a warning sign. The dad got up from his chair before turning on the light in his office. He replied with one simple word, "Okay!"

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