♥️Chapter 4♥️

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Authors Note: Extra long chapter this time! Hope you Enjoy :)

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   A boy with curly hair climbed up the window sill and looked both ways before jumping down to the school courtyard and making his way to a bench.

   "Your late..."

   A blonde boy who already sat on the bench remarked as he continue to read his book.

   "The teacher wouldn't let us go on break...or even let us use the bathroom...man, I'm fucked!"

   "Yeah, you're fucked...if you don't give me what I need." The blonde boy smirked.

   "Uuh...yeah yeah!"

   He began to hand over something before the blonde boy interrupted, "Not so obvious."

   The brown-haired boy quickly sneaks money toward the blonde.

   "Listen Dee...will this work out? It's an oral exam."

   "Statistically speaking the chances well if you passing the test on your own is completely null. So you got in touch with me. Just stick this in your ear."

   Dee spoke as he handed an earbud to the boy and allowed him to stick it in his ear.

   "But-but how does it work?"

   Dee grabbed his mic and spoke, "do you hear me? Let's say it's question 7. the definition of energy repeats after me energy is the physical quantity that characterizes the ability of a body to perform specific tasks".

   The brown hair boy tried sneaking a glance at the book Dee was holding, " the lord of the rings" dee said unamused. "Oooh"

   "Next" the boy copied again what dee said.

   "Hehehe it's working! I feel so intelligent..."

   Suddenly their meeting was interrupted by a commotion in front of them.

   "Check out this idiot over here." The brown-haired boy pointed out. But Dee recognized that idiot.

   "Yeah that idiot is my brother," he stood up and walked towards the commotion. Suddenly the bell rang, "bell oh damn the test is starting."

   "Well then hurry along, I'll be in touch."

   Dee calmly approached the tall boy currently beating his brother to a pulp.

   "What's up chipmunk."

   "The hell you want!?"

   "Nothing really. You done with him?"

   Dee glanced at his brother who was laying hurt on the ground.

   "Nah yo I'm about to make him eat his shirt for saying rap is shit!"

   "Man it is shit" the hurt boy spotted back.

   The bully raised his fist, "Go fuck yourself-"

   Dee managed to stop him and tried to reason with him. As Dee got his point across something struck his face sending him tumbling to the ground. As dee felt his lip numb and a weird taste of metallic hit his taste buds, a girl shouted from the tree.

   "Hey what the hell do you think your doing!?"

   Dee couldn't register who had spoken until she was in front of him—stepping in to take on the fight.

   "The hell you want little girl!?"

   "Nothing I just wanna know why the hell you're picking on these boys."

   "None of your business!"

   "Well, I'm gonna make it my business." The girl said putting her fist in front of her.

   "Is she crazy?" Heavy whispered under his breath. Dee didn't respond.

   "Fine, I usually don't hit little girls but you're asking for it!"

   Y/n grinned but in reality, was panicking on the inside. What the hell do I do? What the hell do I do? Okay, Y/n...I just have to remember what uncle Jack taught me!

   The bigger male went for a sloppy hit, resulting in Y/n getting the upper hand and punching him in the gut. That didn't hurt the male as much as she had hoped. And so he went in to try striking her but she manages to quickly dodge and kicked him on the side.

   That seemed to anger the bully as he shouted a bunch of curses before managing to land a hit on her. Her lips swelled up and her gums felt numb as she spat out some blood. She momentarily stared at her bloody saliva dripping out of her mouth before focusing her attention back on the bully. 

   This time she stood still in her stance as she stared down at the male.

   "Giving up so quickly little girl"

   He went in for what he thought was the final punch but the girl hadn't given up yet. At the last second, she grabbed his wrist and with all her strength managed to pull him towards her before using her palm to strike his jaw. This technique is very painful to the receiver, especially when it's a bully who would cry like a baby once they're hurt enough.

   "Woah..." Heavy whispered as he felt a sense of admiration for her.

   Dee kept quiet trying to reason whether what she did was brave or just plain stupid.

   The bully fell backward as he tried to dodge the attack but not only did he still get struck but he as well lost his balance and fell on his back.

   He lay there before Y/n pressed her foot against his crotch earning a groan out of him.

   "Now would you please be kind enough to leave these boys alone?"

   The male slowly nodded as Y/n smiled.

   A little dazed she walked back towards the boys and offered her hand to the curly blonde boy who frowned at her. "No, thank you." He muttered.

   "Holy shit dude there's a lot of blood in your mouth!" Heavy shouted as he saw the blood all over Dee's mouth. Y/n frowned "You should probably get that checked out" Dee just ignored her which really annoyed Y/n.

   "Just ignore him," Heavy said as he tried to stand before quickly falling back down.

   "Hang on," Y/n said as she dug into a pouch she carried. She pulled out what looked like a medkit before treating Heavy's wounds. 

   "Your pretty good at this for being a girl"

   "...And what does being a girl have to do with this...?"

   "Ah! Nothing" Heavy quickly said as he felt Y/n's glare pierce him.

   She finished bandaging Heavy's bloodied fist as she turned to treat the other boy's wounds.

   "I don't need it" He adamantly said.

   "Don't worry about him he's just upset he couldn't win over chipmunk...aw man I hope mom doesn't find out a girl saved our asses"


   "Because we will never hear the end of it. Holy shit dude your cheeks are swelling." Heavy pointed out as he stared at Dee. By then Y/n noticed Dee seemed to be talking through a mic as he tried ignoring the pain he was in. 

   Staring idly at Dee she suddenly remembered some stuff she had to do at that second. She quickly stood up bringing the attention of both boys before quickly dusting herself off and handing the medkit to Heavy, "I Have to go!"

   And with that, she ran off leaving the boys as fast as she met them.

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