"That One Summer" - Chapter Six

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The next morning, Rachel woke up with a smile on her face. The sun was shining on her face, and the comfortable bed let her sleep peacefully all throughout the night. For the first time in many years, her sleep was not disturbed by her father.

           She was yawning and stretching her back when suddenly she heard loud thumping sounds coming from downstairs. Rachel groaned as she jumped out of bed and crept downstairs to find out what the commotion was all about.

           At first she didn't see anyone in the hallway, but as soon as she entered the living room, she noticed a boy squatting down on the floor and hammering on a large piece of wood.

           As Rachel stood there confused, Grandma Jean entered the room carrying a cup of coffee.

           “Rachel! I hope you had a good sleep last night.”

           The boy stopped hammering and looked around and seemed just as surprised to find Rachel standing behind him.

           “Luke, I’d like you to meet Rachel, my granddaughter.” Jean gestured to Rachel. “She just arrived yesterday and will be here for the rest of the summer. And Rachel, Luke here has been working on this desk for the dining room for a while now. He should be done soon, I hope.”

           Luke smiled and stood up. He took off his gloves and offered one of his hands to Rachel.

           “Nice to meet you, Rachel. You’re very pretty like your grandmother.”

           Rachel felt her face get red as she shook his hands and quickly let go of it.

           Luke had shiny blond hair with bangs and his green eyes twinkled with his smile. Rachel couldn’t help thinking that he was pretty cute too.

           “Say, Luke after you’re done with today’s work why don’t you take my granddaughter on a little tour around the neighborhood?”

           Rachel blushed even more as she stammered, “G-grandma - I think Luke has more important things to do.”

           But Luke just smiled even wider as he shook his head and said, “Actually last time I checked my schedule, I was free all week.”

           Grandma Jean stared at Rachel with a raised eyebrow for a moment. Then she took a sip out of her cup and nodded. “Then it’s settled. You will take Rachel for a tour later.”

           All throughout the rest of the morning, Rachel tried to avoid the living room as much as she could. But she found it impossible to do so because it was the center room and was connected to almost every room downstairs. So whenever Rachel walked through the living room, Luke would look back and smile at her. She tried smiling back, but she found herself only hurrying past him.

           At lunch time, Jean called Rachel over and gave her a plate of ham and cheese sandwich. Rachel smiled and sat down to take a bite out of it but Jean shook her head and said, “No, honey. That’s for Luke. You go give it to him.”

           Rachel glared at her and couldn’t help feeling that Jean was doing this on purpose. Nevertheless with a sigh she took the plate to Luke.

           Luke accepted the plate with quite the opposite enthusiasm as Rachel. He beamed at her, revealing his perfect white teeth, and thanked her.

           Around three o’clock, Luke finally announced that he was done for the day. Grandma Jean summoned everyone to the living room and they all stood around the table that was so close to being complete. It was beautifully carved around the edges and the mahogany wood seemed perfectly smooth. Rachel couldn’t help but admire Luke’s skill with woods.

           Grandma Jean nodded satisfyingly and said, “Okay you two. I think it’s time for you guys to look around the place and get to know each other.”

           “Good idea, Jean. I’ll make sure Rachel will know the place like you do by the time she gets home.” Luke grinned as he grabbed Rachel’s arm and started walking to the front door determinedly.

           “I can walk fine, thanks. I’d appreciate it if you would stop pulling me.” Rachel said tightly as she pulled her arm free of Luke’s grasp.

           Luke shrugged his shoulders as he opened the door for her and they headed outside.   

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