Chapter 10

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Giyuu had passed out from bottling all his feelings up and then letting them out. When he woke up he quickly got dressed and went outside as he had gotten a mission that was about a mountain where humans had disappeared.He rushed there and he found the demon feasting on a human body the demon turned around to look at him as he smelled a demon with a special scent Giyuu saw how the dumber six was engraved on the demons eye

”Uppermoon 6 that’s too high for a 16 year old” Iguro stated “I wonder what method he will use to eliminate this demon” Shinobu asked herself, Uzui wanted them to stop talking as he had got his popcorn ready and wanted to see the fight 

The demon jumped at him but Giyuu easily dodged it and used water breathing first form or cut of the demons legs there fight confined like that for the past 20 minutes but Giyuu wasn’t ready when the demon used strings to cut trough his skin and muscles so that he passed out 

“You can do it tomioka-San” mitsuri said loudly and you can guess that iguro wasn’t happy that his girlfriend was cheering on tomioka 

Then he entered the void as his sister spoke to him “Live please Giyuu you need to live” she pleaded and giyuu shot his eyes open “BLOOD DEMON ART COPYING BLOOD” He shouted over the battlefield and then the demon felt himself being strung up and being tortured before Giyuu cut his head of 

“THAT WAS SO FLAMBOYANT” Uzui screamed and the other stared in shock before they regained their senses “so that’s his blood demon art it’s good to know” Shinobu thought the rest didn’t know how he defeated a uppermoon by the age of 16

MuZaNs PaLaCe 

“Kore got killed so let me present the new uppermoon 6” Milan stated 

“This is Daki” She gave them a playful smile 

the hashiras growled at nizam and the new uppermoon 

Hashiras react to tomiokas past cause why notWhere stories live. Discover now