Fightin' Zombies: The Journey

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Ji-woo and Kang-dae crept carefully to the nearby supermarket. Ji-woo held her head up high, alerted to every sound around her, clutching her gun carefully. Kang-dae admired her bravery and leadership. It was a common habit he displayed.

"Could you pick up your pace a bit more?" Ji-woo turned around to instruct him in a low voice.

"Sorry." He picked his pace up a bit more to catch up with her so he wouldn't fall behind.

After a few seconds of silence, the worst happened.


Kang-dae stepped on a twig, the zombies suddenly snarled, turned and followed the sound.

"Fuck." Ji-woo mumbled.


"It's getting dark now, shouldn't we go to shelter now?" Mi-ok looked at the sky.

"Yeah, my legs hurt." Dae-jung rubbed the back of his legs.

"Alright, should we go there then?" I pointed to an abandoned shop.

"That looks safe." I walked towards the abandoned building, the others following close behind.

"What if a zombie is hiding in there?" Hwa-yeong looked skeptical.

"Well we might as well look because I feel like my legs are about to fall off!" Dae-jung rolled his eyes at Hwa-yeong.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes back.

I opened the door hesitantly, peeking my head through the door to see if any zombies were inside.

"It's dark but I don't think any zombies are in there." I gave them thumbs up.

"Ok well let's go in then." Mi-ok gestured to the door.

We all walked in slowly, scanning the shop with our eyes to see what was in there.

"Guys do you hear that?" Hwa-yeong stood still, narrowing her eyes in concentration.

"No." Dae-jung looked baffled.

"What is it Hwa-yeong?" Mi-ok probed.

"It's just that I can hear muffled breathing, I think it's coming from behind the counter" She pointed to the desk of the shop.

"Dae-jung you check it out." Hwa-yeong chose Dae-jung to see what it was.

"No, why me?" Dae-jung acted offended.

"Quit being a pussy and do it." Hwa-yeong held a serious face.

"Fine. But it's your turn next." Dae-jung tried not to curse.

"Ok." She did a smug grin.

He was about to peer over the counter when...

"BOO!" Hwa-yeong jump scared him.

"Fuck you little bitch!" He jumped, cursing to brush it off.

"Ha! You should have seen your face!" Hwa-yeong put her arm around his shoulder.

They were about to explore more of the shop until Mi-ok pointed out something.

"Guys...W-what's that?" She shivered as she looked over at the counter.

"What's it now?" Dae-jung turned around along with Hwa-yeong.

"That's a zombie..." Mi-ok gasped.

"Shit." Here we go again I thought.

The zombie arose from the counter, snarling as it did so. Not even a blink and it was charging towards us.

I held on my bat tight and ran towards it, swinging it hard on the head.

"Run! There's a big ass supermarket down the road I'll meet you guys down there!" I shouted at them to leave.

"Ok, be careful!" Mi-ok shouted back and they all left in a hurry.

I took a deep breathe before taking another swing, but this zombie actually still had a brain. The zombie knocked the bat out of my hand and flinging it to the other side of the store.

"Fuck." I mumbled before the zombie toppled over me, knocking over an expensive looking ornament, then trying to bite my face off.

I genuinely thought I was screwed. I looked around on the ground beside me to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon. That's when it clicked. I picked up a shard of glass from the broken ornament and stabbed it in the neck. The blood of the zombie rapidly spewed out, landing across my face.

"Shit." Well at least I didn't die.

I threw the zombie off me, I stabbed it in the neck again just to make sure, I'm not taking any more chances. I dusted myself off and grabbed my bat and then quickly fled before other zombies would start barging in.

Step Two. Make the journey to the supermarket.


"Run!" I grabbed Kang-dae's hand and we started panic running to the supermarket.

I could see a small herd of zombies only slightly behind us. The supermarket was still too far away to keep running so I knew what we had to do.

"On the count of three, get ready to slice these zombies." I ordered Kang-dae.

"Got that." He replied.

"3,2,1 and go!" I turned around and so did Kang-dae.

We grabbed our knives and bats and started stabbing and battering the zombies down.

"Take that you filthy piece of rotten flesh!" I snarled at the zombies.

Not even a few moments later, more zombies entered the scene.

"Ok, we're going have to leg it soon!" I was worried.

"Luckily, I brought smoke grenades!" Kang-dae showed me the three smoke grenades in his pocket.

"You're an absolute life saver!" I smiled in relief.

"No need." He turned around again and threw one at the zombies to slow them down for a while.

We both started running until we finally reached the supermarket.

"Finally. Let's grab supplies and then we'll leave." I instructed Kang-dae.

"Sounds good to me." He said.

We both started looking for stuff to take back for the others.

Fightin' Zombies: The Fight BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now