Fightin' Zombies: No Hope

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"What? Why did it turn off? Ji-ho? JI-HO!" Chul-jae tapped her phone rapidly.

"Try again honey, he might have pressed hang up by accident." Sang-ook tried to comfort her.

"I hope so." She pressed the call button and tried to call him again.

The person you are calling is not available at the moment. Please try again later. -BEEP-

"Shit, I should have bought a new phone." She sighed before pressing the call button again.

The person you are calling is not available at the moment. Please try again later. -BEEP-

"Did they cut through the telephone lines? This is outrageous!" Chul-jae slammed her phone on the table, before walking upstairs to calm herself.

"Is mum going to be okay?" Nari looked up to her dad who was filled with worry.

"Yeah, just wait here while I have chat with her, okay?" He ruffled Nari's hair while holding a smile before rushing up the stairs to check on his wife.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" He caressed her hair, with a deeply concerned face.

"No, I feel like such a bad mother! I put all my stress on Ji-ho's plate and look at what the world has become! This is a nightmare and I want to wake up!" She burst into tears.

"Look I know the world isn't in the right shape, but thinking like this will only make this worse. Ji-ho wants you to be strong for him, I'm sure. He has his classmates by his side, he's not alone. My son I know very well and he would be devastated if he heard what you just said. So hold on honey and let's wait for him to come home like he told us he would." Sang-ook held his wife's hand tight.

"You're right. I'm sorry for being harsh on you and Nari!" She burst into tears again, crying sorrowfully on his shoulder.

"Shhhhhh, things will get better eventually. We won't let our country fall that easily." Sang-ook rubbed her arms back and forth.

"Anyway, I should make some food. Let's go back down." Chul-jae quickly wiped her tears away and hurried down the stairs to make supper.

"She looks like she's going through a lot right now so I should help her out." Sang-ook muttered to himself before going down the stairs as well to join Chul-jae.


"We need to leave." I clenched my fists tightly, trying to hold my anger in.

"It took us so long to get up here though!" Hwa-yeong whined.

"I know, I'm annoyed as well but we won't survive that long up here, we might as well try to escape." I said in a resigned tone.

"But where we would go?" Sun-hee inquired.

"To my parent's house. Their house is quite big and spacious so there would be room for us all." I briefed.

"Ok that sounds like an idea I can work with!" Mi-ok did the thumbs up.

"Well if that's sorted, shouldn't we go?" Dae-jung pointed to door, indicating that we should leave.

"We will go in the morning, we need to be able to see properly." I shook my head.

"Good, because my body aches from all that running and fighting. I need a nap." Hwa-yeong stretched out before curling up on the floor.

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