deja vu

418 18 4

"Apologies for the wait. Shall we?"

After returning from his short talk with Mei, Teru went back to Akane. He was texting someone on his phone before he looked over.

He didn't say anything. He only nodded as a response, getting out of his seat with silence.

Teru hoped this wouldn't be an awkward date.

"So, Aoi," Teru gave a charming smile as his shoes smushed the snow underneath them, they were already walking to the park together. "What sort of things are you into? Do you have any hobbies, perhaps?"

"Hobbies.." Akane mumbled, "no, not really. I don't have enough time to do stuff for fun. I only have time to practice and work." he rubbed his hands together fiercely for warmth. "What about you?"

"Hm.. me neither, I suppose. But when I am free, I like to spend time with others. Does that count?"

"With your siblings, right?" he looked forward, watching as more bits of snow fell onto the floor. A few landed in his hair, others on his pale freckled skin. "I guess it could count."

"Yes, with my.." Teru paused, a bit surprised at how Akane knew that. Maybe it was his reputation? That had to be it. Everyone knew him and his family name. It would only be reasonable to assume someone would be spending time with their family in their free time. "..siblings. We go out sometimes."

"Yeah, that counts."


An awkward silence.

"It's pretty cold today." Teru had to be the one to speak up again. It was almost like Akane didn't want to willingly talk to him (which his ego would never believe was the case). "Do you like this sort of weather?"

"The snow?"

"Yes, that's what I meant."


"No?" He was curious about Akane. Even if his responses were rather dull, he still wanted to know more- until there was nothing left to discover. That didn't exactly sound like he was just 'interested' in a customer. It seemed like a lot more, but he would never voice that. "May I ask why?"

"The cold pisses me off." Akane huffed, "It makes my face all red and it gets me sick really easily. It's an inconvenience.. Winter on its own is, honestly. I prefer the warmer weather."

"Ah, so you like summer?"



"Summer is too hot." maybe Teru shouldn't have been so curious. Really, what was wrong with this guy? He was able to find a reason to dislike anything and everything. A real pessimist. "Everyone's out and therefore places are crowded. It's hard to sleep at night and there's barely any work to do. It's either too quiet or too loud, it-"

"I see." he cut the boy's sentence off, "So what season do you like, Aoi?" he then grabbed onto his hand, holding it in his own. "Since you were going on about how you hate the cold, ahaha~"

"Hmm.. autumn." Akane stared at their intertwined hands, not saying a word about it. He didn't pull away. "I like autumn."


"It's warm in autumn, but not to the point where it burns." he looked forward again, pushing up his glasses with his free hand. "And it's cold, too. But not to the point where you're freezing and needing to wear fifty layers of clothes."

"That makes sense, I suppose."

"It's the perfect temperature. There's also a lot of work to do, meaning-"

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