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"Thank you again, nii-chan!"

Kou gave a bright smile as he thanked his brother. He held a bag tightly in his hands; it was filled with things he needed for his practice. Akane had organized it a few minutes prior because he claimed he 'couldn't handle seeing something so messy.'

"It's no problem," Teru smiled back. "Good luck. Make sure to let me know if Nanamine-san gives you any trouble."

"I will! And thank you, too, Aoi-senpai!" Kou bowed slightly, "Call me if anything happens with nii-chan! Don't let him in the kitchen, don't let him go near fire, don't let him cook anything- even if he's microwaving something, don't-"

"I think he gets the point, Kou. Ahaha.."

"I already know the warnings, Minamoto-kouhai. You're also embarrassing your brother." Akane bowed back, "You're welcome, just get going before you're late. Ao-chan doesn't like when people aren't on time, I'm sure Yashiro-san and Nanamine-senpai would agree."

"Okay, okay! Right!" Kou nodded, "See you later, Aoi-senpai! See you during lunch, nii-chan!!" He then rushed through them and hopped onto the sidewalk, almost tripping a few times while he ran off.

"He's gotten a lot taller since I last saw him," the redhead hummed softly, his hands holding onto the straps of his backpack. "He's almost my height now.. I'm scared for when Tiara's older."

"Being tall runs in our family," Teru chuckled, "feel free to make yourself at home."

"That's something Minamoto-kouhai would say.."


"Nothing," Akane shrugged, stepping inside Teru's house like he had done it tons of times before. (At that point, Teru believed he might have.) "You've just never told me that."

"I don't know when else I had the opportunity to say that." he closed the door quietly before following close behind him. "But currently, I am trying to be a good host."

"Shocking," Akane snickered, it would've been the most he had ever talked about the past. "This place hasn't changed much.. if I knew I was coming over, I would've brought something for Tiara.. tch." he made his way to the living room, "Does she still like those popsicles I made during the summer?"

"Ah, well.."

"Right." he mumbled, "You don't remember." and for a second, he was quiet. (Teru wondered if he would cry again. He wasn't sure if the last time was his fault, but this time- it definitely would have been.) "I'll ask her myself if I ever come over again. I don't want to wake her up."

"Alright." Teru felt awkward. He didn't usually bring guests over, that was one thing- being charming and popular didn't automatically gain you friends, rather followers instead- but having the guy he didn't know if he loved or was just infatuated with was oddly suspenseful. Anything could have happened, he didn't plan any of it whatsoever. "You're free to sit down, if you'd like."

"At least your host 'skills' have gotten better.."


The two sat on the couch together, side by side. For the most part they were silent, at least until Akane scooted closer.

"Your house has always been so cold.." he whispered, his body leaning against Teru's. "For a family that specializes in electricity, I thought it'd be a lot warmer in here."

"Would you like me to get you a blanket?"

"No, it's fine." his head rested on Teru's shoulder, "I'll manage. Thanks, though." he then took off his glasses, setting them to the side. "You're still comfortable."

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