My Healer by Alanea Alder

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   "Cool kid. Come here, brat." - Meryn

   Most of society are assholes, why would I care what they think?" - Meryn

   "I can go on. Penny lived it, I'm only telling you about it. I can be no less brave than her." - Rheia

   The core of who I am is being pulled towards you, but my mind is confused." - Rheia

"The feelings are real, but they aren't true." - Ryuu

"She swept the table," Noah whispered in awe.
"How old is she again?" Jaxon asked.
The men all looked up and answered as one. "Four!"

Even as my body turns to dust, I will wait at the very veil of existence for you to join me, because heaven would be incomplete without you." - Colton

You bulldozed right past all of my hesitations and simply loved me. - Rheia

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