My Angel by Alanea Alder

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"You are my solace. Only in your arms do my cares fall away. Now that my soul has been soothed by yours, I do not think I could face the world alone." - Etain

"Because power once bestowed is hard to take back." - Vivian

"I mean no offense," he turned back to Gavriel. "Why would you take orders from anyone."
Gavriel met Aiden's eyes and smiled. "Because he protects everyone." He looked around the room. "And I protect him."

Meryn edged closer, her eyes bright. "He's so cool."
Aiden pulled her against him. "You just like violent people."

"When you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'." - Meryn

"Is it truly being selfless if serving others is what brings me happiness?" - Etain

"And I intend to enjoy every second, for tomorrow isn't promised and every moment a treasure to be safeguarded." - Etain

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