Take It Off

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Inosuke Hashibira did not like his current clothes. They restricted his movement, impaired his spatial awareness and, more importantly, they were itchy. Inosuke Hashibira also had no idea how to take said clothes off, with those fancy knots that only got tighter the more he pulled at them, and any attempts to tear the fabric remained fruitless.

So annoying.

To say Tanjiro wrestled him into these clothes would not be exaggerated. He had to be physically restrained in order for someone to approach with these damned pieces of fabric without risking losing an eye or a couple fingers to the feral rage that was Inosuke. He had been pinned down to the ground, limbs flailing in all directions yelling provocations at the other Demon Slayer and telling him to just fight him instead.

So now here he was, the great Inosuke Hashibira, defeated by some lowly fabric, walking through a city that's too loud, surrounded by too many people, in clothes that were too tight. He hated every second of it, and he intended to make that clear. Tanjiro was pulling him by the arm, ensuring he'd stay with the group and not run off to fight the first person he saw, so with that option off the table he remained nonverbal despite attempts to get him to talk to the other Demon Slayers. He had found that a simple glare conveyed the message 'fuck off and die' well enough for people to leave him alone, so he had been excused from all conversations.

He hadn't been listening during the briefing, too distracted by trying to escape his silky confines, so he didn't even know why they were here in the first place. People were chatting all around, engaging in talks that Zenitsu had explained were human mating rituals, or 'flirting'. Inosuke didn't get it. How did just a chat display the strength and suitability of a possible mate? Without headbuts or fistfights, how do you even measure your suitor's quality and ability to protect the family you'll build together?

There were still a lot of human customs Inosuke did not understand, and Tanjiro always had the patience to explain them to him and answer his questions.

A little further, two people were pressing their faces together, one of them positioned against a wall, but not looking like they were cornered or intimidated. Inosuke stared at the two, trying to figure out what exactly they were doing, and noticed their mouths were connected.

Were they feeding each other?

No, that couldn't be right. Humans ate by themselves, with their hands or those annoying chopsticks he couldn't get the hang of. He was thinking of baby birds.

Then what were they doing?

That's when he noticed one of their hands going to the neatly tied bow on the other's back, undoing it with practised ease.

Oh, was this some sort of undressing ritual? Was this why Tanjiro always looked so uncomfortable whenever he had to help him out of his clothes? Was he just not doing it right?

Well, he'd have to show off his newfound knowledge to Kamaboko. He'd be so proud of him, and shower him with praise like he deserved! He couldn't help the grin that found its way to his face.

They returned to the Estate, probably not having found what they were looking for judging by the disappointed expression of the other Demon Slayers. The group scattered, some going to sleep, others sat by the lake in the garden, and Inosuke followed Tanjiro around, waiting for the perfect moment to engage in his newfound activity.

As soon as they were behind closed doors, Inosuke went for it. He gently, or as gentle as he could be, grabbed Tanjiro by the shoulders and locked lips, pressing back against him so he got positioned against the wall. A startled noise made its way up Tanjiro's throat, and Inosuke swallowed it down.

So he was surprised at his knowledge of human rituals, huh? Tanjiro eventually relaxed against his body and started reciprocating his advances, but no hands found their way to the fabric tied around Inosuke's waist.

Perhaps Tanjiro had misunderstood? Inosuke put more force into his kiss, pushing more, demanding more, hoping it would get his message across, but Tanjiro only made a weird noise akin to a sigh and humming simultaneously.

Not the reply he had hoped for, but he decided he liked it nonetheless so he dived in for more, savouring the little sounds that dripped from Tanjiro's lips he pushed back time and time again. That's when Tanjiro firmly put both hands on his chests and pushed him away. Inosuke couldn't help but mourn the loss when he tried to close the gap again but Tanjiro held him at arm's length.

"Inosuke, we should talk-"

"Talk later, first get these things off me."

"Mhm..." Hands made their way to the tied ribbon as Inosuke's lips made their way to Tanjiro's, and finally he was freed. Feeling victorious, he smiled into the kiss, pecking the others lips one more time for good measure, before trying to pull back. He was surprised to find two strong arms wrapped around his neck, locking him in place. Lips parted and head tilted on their own, like his body knew what to do before his mind had caught up. His stomach felt the giddy feelings that usually only his praise would give, fuzzy and soft like the fluff of a dandelion. His hands slid from Tanjiro's shoulder to his chest, sliding under the haori, under his shirt, fingers trailing over skin, muscle tensing up under his touch. At least his clothes weren't tied shut by those awful ribbons. The chequered fabric hit the floor not long after, the black shirt following close behind.

Every so often, one would pull back to take a breath, only for the other to chase the ghost of their lips. They had found their rhythm, pushing back and forth, rid of their shirts, joined by skin, yet somehow still not close enough. He needed to be closer, needed more, needed Tanjiro . And he needed it now. Hands got lost in navy hair, pulling not hard enough to hurt, but it was enough to make his head spin. The kiss grew more heated, more desperate, as Inosuke was reduced to nothing but instinct. He did not think, he just wanted and he took, and Tanjiro didn't seem to have a problem with giving him whatever he desired.

His lips were trailing down Tanjiro's jaw, teeth sinking into soft flesh. The response was a soft whimper, a cry, not like a wounded animal but rather sounding pleased, followed by his name.

"Ah~ Inosuke -" Said in the sweetest way, and Inosuke did not think he would ever get enough of hearing his name said by these lips. The hand in his hair retracted, now covering the mouth he had kissed not long before to prevent more sound from spilling out. Eyes locked, and it was clear all rational thought behind the ruby eyes staring back was long gone. Only desire remained, accompanied by a softer feeling Inosuke did not know but could only imagine was the same as the feelings he felt, and that his own eyes reflected the same sentiments. He lifted a hand of his own to pry away the fingers obstructing his praise from reaching his ears, and more importantly stopped him from kissing Tanjiro again. With little protest, the other gave in, and Inosuke wasted no time connecting their mouths again.

Inosuke could no longer pretend all of this was a ritual, and he had most likely made the wrong assumptions about the activity, but he couldn't seem to be bothered by it. After all, this was a million times better than whatever he had thought.

They'd have to talk about what it meant, but for now, Inosuke was content with his hands straddling the other's hips, feverishly kissing him like it would kill him to part for a second longer than he needed to breathe.

They'd have to talk, but for now they could love like this.

A/N: How many times did I write "Inosuke did not understand" or "He didn't get it"? I'm doing my boy so dirty lmao

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