Chapter One

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My heart rate increased as adrenaline coursed through my body that was slowly going into shock, but it didn't stop me from pushing forward. Every breath I took made me want to cry as my cracked ribs expanded and contracted. I grabbed my side as I hobbled forward, pausing briefly as I doubled over in pain, so agonising it made me vomit. I wiped the residue from my lips with my sleeve and pressed on, my destination finally in sight.

My exhaustion eventually defeated me, and I collapsed in front of the shopping centre's doors. I barely had enough strength to grab the attention of the residents inside, but by some miracle, I did so; the face of my closest friend was the last thing I saw before I passed out.


When I woke up, I was in my old room, but unfamiliar faces surrounded me. "Who the hell are you lot and where is Leo?"

"Hey Stitch, Sleeping Ugly finally woke up and she's grouchy." A charming guy a few years older than me called out and a young girl in scrubs, about the same age as me, came running in, while a younger guy stood loitering in the corner, staring at me as he munched on a bag of crisps.

"Seriously, who are you and where is Leo? I need to talk to him. It's urgent. I wouldn't have dragged my arse here after getting beaten up if it wasn't."

"He's out collecting supplies nearby for my friend Tali. They're monitoring the clinic we run in the East wing, while these two monitored you for me. Leo was losing his mind sitting by your bedside, but he refused to leave you alone so Linc said he'd keep you company and Ty is paranoid, so he intermittently checks on you." The one in scrubs smiled. "I'm Stitch by the way."

"Indie, but I'm sure Leo probably already told you that given that you're the one who fixed me up, thanks, you saved me a job."

"Wait, the old scarring beneath your tattoos, bullet wounds, stab wounds, you patched those up on your own?" She seemed surprised.

"Yeah, it's crazy what you can do with a mirror, sewing needles, thread, and boiling water. In terms of sanitation, it isn't ideal, but you make do in times like these."


Stitch gently nodded her head approvingly and the older guy gave me a suspicious look.

"I'm inclined to assume you're Ty, which means the one munching crisps is Linc, your younger brother."

"I didn't mention they were brothers." Stitch observed, as she had me take off my shirt so she could change my dressings.

Ty immediately looked away, but Linc continued to munch on his crisps, not saying anything.

"They have the same eye shape and ears, though the colours of their eyes, varying lengths of eyelashes and distinctly original bone structure indicate they only shared one parent."

"Wow, we have a real Sherlock Holmes in our midst." Ty sneered.

"I'm surprised you know who that is, though it's more shocking to think that you can read."

Linc snorted and snickered, earning a steely glare from his brother that quickly silenced him.

"So, Doc, how long have I been out? It's obviously been a while since my dislocated shoulder has healed, along with the two bullet wounds and the cracked ribs."

"It's been about two months. You've been in and out of consciousness, but this is the first time you've properly woken up." Stitch confessed. "I wasn't sure you were going to make it."


I pulled my shirt back down and shifted uncomfortably. "I've always been one for beating the odds, not that it's necessarily something I've wanted to do. On a separate note, am I wearing an adult nappy?"

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