The Pacifist||1

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     Looking at the papers of the missing boy reports. Griffin had still been missing as well as Billy. I can't believe they haven't found out who's been doing this. Do they not have a lead on any of this?

     "Y/n, come on next class is about to start." Donna said nudging my shoulder as she stood next to me. She then looked at what I've been starring at. "I hope the cops find out who did this."

     I nodded, me and Donna have been friends since grade school. We were freshman in High School now. We were very different, Donna was a social butterfly. Always flying around talking to people and doing it with grace and beauty. I just was quiet and followed her like a lost puppy. I've always just have been the quieter one and awkward too.

     Walking to class, Donna was telling me about a boy named Finny saying how she found him cute and yada yada. What had gotten my attention is Robin Arellano. He was one of the  toughest kid along with Vance Hopper. I saw him going into the bathroom with another guy, I saw his bloodied fist then looked up to find him starring at me.

     Before I could look away in embarrassment Robin had given me a quick smirk before walking into the bathroom as I looked the other way. Thankfully Donna hadn't witnessed that whole thing unless she did and ignored it. Robin had always made me nervous, I never really knew whether it was a flutter nervous or scared nervous. All I knew is that I could hear my heart beat and that was already a bad sign.

     Sitting down in my math class, I just starred out the window since my seat was basically next to it. The lecture we were learning was something I had already gotten the hang of so the teacher was just reteaching it which was boring. Waiting out the whole period until it was over and then getting up to go with Donna.

     School was finally over but I couldn't go home more like I didn't want to. Donna had plans with some other friends so she kinda left in a hurry to meet up with them. I'm not upset, I mean she's going to have other friends it's just I wish sometimes I could actually make other friends to hangout with. Walking a bit further while my books were hand, a quick slam and the books went flying out of my hand.

     Finding out the culprit was no other then Moose, I rolled my eyes just bending down to pick my books up until Moose had stepped on the books before my hands could even reach it.

     "If you want your books your going to have to ask nicely." He did a obnoxious smirk. He knew I wouldn't fight back because I just...I just can't seem to defend myself. I looked down now trying to grab my books from under his foot, he lifted up his foot and then stomped almost stomping on my hand. I fell back, and looking up as he looked as if he was getting off on this. Jerk.

     "Moose, I thought I taught you a lesson already?" a voice had said and I recognized it almost immediately. Robin. My heart had started to beat, why does it do this?

     "Look kid. Can't you just let me have fun? Besides you don't even know the freak." Moose said now turning to Robin giving me a chance to collect all my books from off the ground.

     "Who says I don't know her? Obvious I can't listen to you because the only thing in that head is a giant empty void." Robin replied now with a sly smile. Oooo's sounded all around.

     I wanted to say something but it just couldn't come out, wouldn't come out. Moose was now getting more aggressive and in Robins face as Robin just stood his ground raising an eyebrow.

     "Moose, do me a favor. Just don't mess with her and we won't have problems." Robin saying as he clenched his fists showing he was ready to have another beat down.

     Moose was already injured from earlier so he just snarled and walked away looking at me before he left. The breath I was holding in that I didn't even know I was holding until air had immediately left. Sighing as I looked down now and collected my books swiftly before continuing to walk away from the scene until someone had caught up to me.

     "Can I help you?" I mumbled out looking to see it was Robin.

     "Just wanted to see the damsel in distress, Y/n right?" he asked me. He knew my name. Really? Before I could say anything he had said something before me. "You could've totally knocked him from under his feet when he was stepping on your books."

     "What makes you think I would want to make a enemy out of Moose?" I asked raising my eyebrow. Really? Me trying to fight off Moose? That could end both ways, both ending terribly.

     "Hey, I'm just saying. You seem badass so I can definitely see you doing it. Maybe I can teach you some time?" Robin said smiling at me but I stopped dead in my tracks. "Sorry did I make you uncomfortable?".

     "Oh, no it's just. I don't know, don't you know the rumors about my dad?" I asked him. Everyone knew. Surely he had to know?

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