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He was another mysterious piece of this sphere puzzle which captured millions of innocent humans and animals within its grasp - I simply couldn't wait to see his abilities to beat the corruptive events life throws at him. Welcome Mr Bang, welcome to hell on Earth.

Truthfully those 3 days were full of yearning and desperation. Desperation to look into those luring eyes. To drown into the pits of them.

I couldn't be more thankful to see him again, another opportunity to look into the depths of his eyes and search for the roots on his pain.

How ironic it was for me to be so intrigued about the pain of another when my traumas were hidden deep under the layers of my skin, soaked in my blood.

Still, I found myself begging to uncover his secrets, begging to get closer to him, begging to know what had made his so very beautiful eyes so distant.

Unknowingly a smile softly decorated itself on my face. I knew I would see him again and dare I say, I was damn excited.

"Min are you even listening to me?"

"Yes I am, our law firm is about to collaborate with 'Kim's Justice' Law firm, also known as your boyfriend's law firm. You've told me enough times"

"Minho, I am being serious here, this merge is going to be massive, your dad would be so proud of how far we have come!"

"Don't. Mention. That. Man."

"Minho it's been ages, can't you just move on from it and forgive him"

"Forgive???? Ffs Hyung you don't even know what that man did to me- YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING SO NO I CANNOT AND WILL NOT GET OVER IT!"

Knock knock

I quickly composed myself and told whoever it was to come in.

"Good morning sir" it was Mr Bang.

"Good morning, Hyung please take him to his office, i will be there soon to tell him what to do"

"Min- this conversation isn't over I hope you know that" he whispered to me before taking Mr Bang away.

"Just for a little while, take care of yourself"

"I'm always gonna be here for you whenever you need me"

When I needed you, where tf were you? I need you now but where tf are you?

Battling the tears which I prayed not to fall from my eyes, I entered my built in bathroom and washed my face.

I strode over to Mr Bang's office.

With two knocks I entered the room.

"I see you have made yourself comfortable" he stands up and I walk in front of him.

"For your first month you will be monitored by me, we are lawyers who serve justice and therefore we are people of respect. You will assist me in cases and will be given small cases on the side. We treat every case equally so I must not hear any complaints about the simplicity of any cases.

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